Chapter Thirty Seven

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*Present day*
~Jacob's P.O.V~

I get off my motorcycle after parking it in parking lot for Forks Hospital. It's raining outside, the skies crying and screaming with the occasional thunder. Quickly, I make my way into the white hospital, watching nurses as they either run frantically around the building or just strolling along, waiting for a patient to attend to.

I approach the front desk, looking at the small woman in blue scrubs and her brown hair pinned back, out of her blue eyes.

"Excuse me, miss." I quietly say, resting my elbows on the cold counter but my warmth quickly takes care of that.

She looks up at me, smiling softly. "Can I help you, sir?" She politely asks and I nod, looking around the quiet, sick filled room.

"I'm here for Chloee Uley." I say, trying to keep my voice from shaking at the thought that my imprint is hurt.

She nods, bouncing her fingers against the keyboard, typing in the name that belongs to the person I need; the person I love.

"She just got in the hospital...and going into surgery. It's going to take a while." She says, giving me very little detail.

"And her condition?" I push, needing to know more.

She gives me a small, apologetic smile before responding. "I'm sorry sir, I can only give you that information if you're family."

I slowly nod, keeping my mouth shut as I push myself away from the counter. But I am family... She's my fucking imprint.

"Thank you.." I curtly say, turning around and walking towards the waiting room.

The nurse starts clicking around on the computer, probably closing out the information on Chloee as I approach an empty chair.

A sigh escapes my lips as I sit down on the plastic chair, making it groan with my added weight. I lean back in the chair, trying to relax even though I'm in the hospital and my Rose is being pricked with needles.

I rub my face with my large hand, fixing my red t-shirt as it rides up. I wish I could take her place...

"Hey, Jake.." Sam sighs, the whole pack coming right behind him and Emily at his side.

My heart clenches together, craving to be close to my imprint. But I can't.

"Hey.. Nurses won't tell me anything because I'm not family.." I shrug, hitting my head against the wall softly.

"Okay... I'll go and get information on Chloee.." Sam trails off, focusing on the task ahead and that task is his step-sister. He quickly leaves the room, finding someone to tell him everything he needs to know.

Everyone just takes a seat around the room, some talking about what's happened and others trying to get their thoughts off of everything negative that could've happened to Chloee.

I just sit there. Feeling nothing but pain as the wolf inside me craves the imprint to be by his side but it can't. She's having surgery done.

"How are you doing, Jake?" Emily asks, placing a comforting hand on my knee and I look at her, seeing how worried she really is.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't even know how to put it in words, Em.." I sigh, staring blankly at the white wall in front of me.

My insides are ripped out, my heart being pulled at the thought of her actually being dead. But somewhere deep down, I know she's not. She can't be.

Part of me wants to run out of here, phase into a wolf and run. Run from all of the problems and tear down trees, taking care of all of the anger inside of me. But another part of me can't. I can't run away without my rose. I need her with me. No words can express that.

Sam walks back towards the waiting room, a distressed look on his face as he sits next to his imprint, grabbing her hand and holding onto it like his life depended on it.

"What did they say?" Emily gently asks, noticing my curious expression on my face.

"She's in surgery. A truck hit the car on the passengers side and she was thrown all over the place. They needed to stitch her up and put her arm in a cast and her leg..again." He sighs, rubbing his face before he continues.
"They said that the doctor will be out soon to give us an update after the surgery." Sam finishes, glancing at the doors before looking back at me.

"Everything will be okay, Jake.. Just hang in there." He tries to comfort me, understanding the feeling of his imprint being injured and there was nothing he could do about it either.

I smile softly at him, not having anything to say as I lean back in to my chair and close my eyes, wishing that the world around me would just go away and give me back that beautiful, freckle faced girl with the gorgeous red hair that I love.

*2 hours later*

"Uley?" A deep voice says, interrupting the conversation we were all having as we waited for an update.

"Yes?" Sam asks, standing up, Emily following him as they hold onto each other's hands.

The doctor smiles, holding a clipboard and looking down at it before continuing.

"Miss Uley-Matthews is doing good. She's going to live." He smiles and everyone releases a sigh of relief.

I smile, feeling my heart float at the thought of my imprint being okay; safe.

"Surgery went great. She has a total of twenty-one stitches; seven above her knee, six alongside of her lower abdomen, and eight on her bicep. She does have her leg and arm in a cast, though." He finished reading the paper on the board.

Sam and I share a look of happiness, glad to hear that Chloee's okay.

"And the man that was with her?" Emily asks, her heart too kind to forget about that cruel man. The man that took my rose away from me.

The doctors smile falter, giving her an apologetic look. "He died during surgery. His heart couldn't hold out."

I frown slightly as I quickly regret my last thought about him, knowing that someone that was apart of Chloee; someone who helped bring her into this world is dead. I wonder how she'll take it..

"When can we go and see Chloee?" Embry asks and I look at him, giving him a thankful smile, glad that he practically read my mind, before looking back at the doctor.

"Now if you'd like. But there's one thing that I forgot to mention.." The man in a white coat trails off, looking around the room.

The next words he said tore me apart completely. My heart breaking and the wolf inside of me howling, crying out for his imprint. For our Rose...

"Miss Uley-Matthews fell into a coma during surgery. We don't know when she'll wake up."

A/N: So yeah.. This is how I'm ending the book...


Ever since the beginning, I had this idea and I planned on carrying out that idea. One last tragic thing needed to happen before I begin the next book.

Speaking of which...any name ideas for the next book? I have a few but I'm all over the place..haha

Anyways, leave your votes and thoughts! (Maybe I'll publish the next book sooner than August-September..)

Until next book,

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