Chapter Thirty Four

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I wake up in my bed and look around the room, trying to figure out how I got here. Slowly, I sit up and get out of bed, noticing my attire and then I remember. I fell asleep at Jacobs and he carried me here...after Quil and Embry scared me..

I roll my eyes at the memory before stepping out of my room, walking down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Chloee! Good morning!" Emily says, walking into the dining room from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Morning.." I say, smiling softly as I make my way towards the living room, Emily behind me.

"You never came home yesterday.. Everything okay?" She asks, taking a seat next to me on the couch.

I shrug, running a hand through my knotted hair. "Just had a crazy day.. Needed a break." I answer, resting my head against the back of the couch, bringing my legs up, pulling my knees against my chest.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asks, taking a sip of her coffee and I look at her, feeling a sense of comfort. Feeling like I'm talking to my mom.

"It's just..." I sigh, biting my bottom lip. "I don't want my dad to take me. I don't want Adam to die.." I whisper, playing with the hair ties on my wrist. "I don't want anything bad to keep happening to me.. I want a break, Em.. I, I need it." I sniff, feeling tears threatening to fall over the brim of my eyes.

"I know sweetie." Emily says, placing her cup on the table before running a hand through my hair. "Everything will turn out to be okay. Trust me." She smiles, kissing the top of my head before standing up and grabbing her mug.

"I'm gonna go and start breakfast. If you need anything, you know where to find me." She says before walking towards the kitchen.

I sigh, falling on my left side and grab a pillow, placing it over my head. And I just lay there, wishing that the world would stop moving and just freeze. Part of me is wishing that none of this happened, that I grew up in a perfect home with a perfect family. But I didn't.

Another part of me knows that if that was my life, I wouldn't be here. I'd probably have a boyfriend, both of us going to college together, and then plan on getting married and having five kids after. Just at that thought, I cringe. Five kids... I don't think I can pop that many out..

"Emily! We're back!" Sam shouts and I mentally groan. I need five more minutes of quiet..

"I'm in the kitchen!" I hear Emily reply and I cross my fingers, hoping that no one will come into the living room and find yours truly.

And, like always, I never get what I was hoping for.

Someone lifts the pillow and I peer through the little space to see who it is. Jacob.

"Hi.." He says, taking the pillow away and places it at the end of the couch before leaning over, one hand next to my head and the other against the top of the couch. "How are you doing?" He whispers and I shrug, grabbing the arm next to my head and rest my forehead against it.

"I'm mentally and physically tired, Jake.." I mumble, shutting my eyes.

I feel him move down, hovering over me and kisses my head. "Then go back to bed." He says, not moving anymore.

I shake my head, hearing footsteps move towards the living room. "Who's coming?" I ask him, hoping that he can tell me. I know he can.

"Seth and Brady.." He whispers quietly in my ear and I nod, hearing the footsteps come to a stop.

"Gross." I hear Brady say and I roll my eyes, not daring to look at the two.

"Get a room." Seth says, both of them chuckling at the comment. Immature boys..

"We had one then he needed to get up to go and phase into a giant wolf." I mumble, hearing them both gag.

"Did not need to know that." They both say at the same time and I laugh lightly.

"Alright, I'm leaving." I say, opening my eyes to see that Jacob is still in the same position.

I raise my eyebrows, fighting the urge to kiss him. "Can you move so I can?" I ask him and he smiles, shaking his head.

"No. I'm pretty comfortable." He says and I shake my head, trying to push him away.

"Just move.." I whine, trying so hard to move him.

"No.." He huskily says, leaning down closer to my face and my heart beat picks up.

"You should calm your heart down.." He whispers and I roll my eyes.

"You should stop making my heart beat out of control." I whisper back, watching a smirk spread across his face.

He leans down closer to my face, our noses touching and his eyes focus on mine, neither of us daring to lose eye contact. "I'm sorry.." He quietly says.

We just stay there, staring into each other's eyes and not saying another word. I move my hand up, running it through his hair before playing with it, nerves hitting my stomach.

Jacob smiles, kissing the tip of my nose before kissing both sides of my face. "Don't move.." He says before leaning down closer, our lips brushing against one another's before connecting and molding into one.

Our lips move slowly in sync, savoring the feeling of having the other persons lips against theirs. One word that I can use to describe what I felt when our lips connected is: sparks. Electricity moving all over my body, flowing through my veins, making my body tingle.

Jacob moves one of his hands and rests it against my hip, squeezing it as he fights the urge to pick up the speed of our kiss. He forces his hand to go under my back, pulling me up into a sitting position, rubbing my lower back as his soft lips continue to move against mine. Gently, I pull on his hair before pulling away and rubbing my lips together.

"We need to stop.." I whisper but he just shakes his head, pinning his lips against mine. I fight the urge to cave in. Thankfully, succeeding. I push him away and shake my head. "Jacob.." I quietly say and he looks at me, nodding.

"Sorry.. You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss you, to have your lips against mine... I guess I couldn't control myself." He smiles softly, kissing my forehead and I smile, shaking my head.

"It's okay..

I didn't really want you to stop anyways.."

A/N: Hey guys...

I am so sorry for the late update /: a lot has happened this week and my parents were starting to get suspicious as to what I was doing (they don't know I do this) so I needed to keep it on the DL for a while...

Anyways, leave your thoughts in the comment section below and don't forget to vote!! Love you guys!!

Until next chapter,

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant