Chapter Eighteen

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Jacob's P.O.V

Chloee marched upstairs all mad and we all just kind of stared at her. I stand up, getting out of the chair, and start to walk towards the stairs only to be stopped by Embry.
"She saw you, dude. What are you going to do?" He asks and I look at him, rubbing a hand over my face. "I don't know, man. I want to tell her but after my dad shares the legends, you know?" I say and Embry nods, patting me on the back. "If you go up there, just be careful." He says before getting out of my way.

I sigh, walking towards the stairs and up them before walking around the railing and towards her room. What should I say? I think to myself, stopping outside her door. I bring my right hand up, banging my knuckles gently against the door.

"Chloee.." I say, resting my forehead against the door. "Leave me alone!" I frown, my heart clenching. She sounds upset...

"I'm coming in." I tell her, twisting the door nob and push the door open. I enter the room and turn my gaze directly towards my imprint who is sitting on the window seat, looking out the large bay window. Her red hair glows with the sun hitting it, looking gorgeous but her body language is what's concerning me.

"Rose.." I whisper, walking around her bed and over to her before squatting down and grabbing her hands. "What's wrong?" I stupidly ask and she looks at me, no tears in her eyes just anger and sadness.

"What are you hiding from me, Jake?" She quietly asks and I sigh, placing my forehead against our linked hands. "Trust me when I tell you that you will find out soon and you will find out from me." I tell her, looking up and into the gorgeous brown eyes that I have fallen in love with. A sigh escapes her mouth and she pulls her hands out of my grasp, making me frown.

"Whatever.." She says, looking back out the window. "Chloee, I-" "I really don't want to talk about this. Just leave me alone." She cuts in and I shake my head, standing up and sitting next to her. "I will never leave you alone." I say, placing a hand on her back, rubbing it. "So don't ask me or tell me to do that because I don't want to." A huff escapes her lips and she brings her knees up to her chest, resting her right cheek against her knees while looking out the window.

I lean against the window, bringing my right ankle up onto my left knee and continue to rub Chloee's back, feeling the anger and sadness slowly fade away. While she stares out the window, I stare at her, watching how her eyes light up when she sees something she loves it how the corners of her lips would turn up when she gets happy. Watching her nose crinkle when the sun would peek out from the trees, hitting her in the eyes and making her squint. The scenery she sees is nothing compared to what I'm looking at right now. And I couldn't be luckier.

"I'm sorry for how I acted.." I hear the sweet voice of my imprint quietly say. I reach over, tucking a piece of curly hair behind her left ear, seeing her freckled face. "Don't apologize." I softly say to her and she shakes her head, sitting up and spinning herself around a full 180, her toes pressing against my leg.

"I need to. I overreacted and I'm sorry." Her sweet brown eyes look up at me and I smile, placing a hand on her knees and squeeze them. "All is forgiven." I say and she smiles, lifting her legs up and over mine with her knees bent, resting her head on my left shoulder and shuts her eyes. "Good.." Chloee mumbles, wrapping her arms around my left one – which is around her legs. I kiss her forehead, hearing her heart stutter and I smile, resting my head back against the window.

"Hey, it's time to-" Paul opens the wooden door, stopping halfway. He looks at me and I him, both of us turning our gaze to the sleeping redhead. Is she not sleeping?

"I'll be down in a minute. Let me get her in bed.." I whisper, knowing that he can hear me perfectly well. He nods, slowly stepping out and quietly shutting the door and I look back down at my imprint, smiling at how peaceful she looks. Nothing to disturb her in her sleep.

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