Chapter Four

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A/N: Today is Valentines Day and I figured that I'll upload the next chapter today as a gift to you guys! I mean, I know that I only have like three people reading this book but it really means a lot to me that you guys are giving my book a chance. This chapter is a long one so enjoy it!
P.S. Just in case you're wondering, yes I'll be updating tomorrow AND Friday. This week, you get three new chapters!!

I woke up the next morning on the couch to a bunch of loud noises coming from the kitchen. A groan escapes my lips as I rub a hand through my messy, curly red hair; gathering it and wrapping it up in a messy bun, some loose curls falling against my face. I stand up, pulling down my cotton, pink shorts and adjusting my black v-neck t-shirt, and my black sports bra, before walking towards the kitchen, my rosy pink painted toes exposed.

Sadly, my boot gave away my presence because Seth pops out of the kitchen with a smile on his face.. At least I think his name is Seth; I'm not very good with names. I smile back at him and he walks closer, wrapping his arms around my waist, picking me up. I squeal in surprise, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck.
"What the hell, Seth?" I hiss at him, making him chuckle.

He places me down, looking into my eyes apologetically. "Sorry, just..uh..wanted to be the first to greet you and uh, I-" I cut him off with my laughter. I clutch my stomach, crouching down some to catch my breath.
"It's okay, Seth. No need to ramble." I look up at him, watching his cheeks turn pink, making me smile.

Another tall figure walks out of the room and he looks like Paul, he does have that little smirk on his lips. Plus, we got to know each other really well last night. I consider him as an almost-friend but soon, I'm guessing, we'll be best friends.
"Is he bothering you, freckles?" He asks, chuckling lightly, taking me into an embrace. I hug him back, my arms around his waist and his around my shoulders, making me wonder why I'm being hugged. They just met me.

"Freckles?" I ask, an eyebrow raised when we pull from our embrace. Paul shrugs, pinching my cheeks. "Yeah. You have freckles all over your cheeks and the bridge of your nose." I blush slightly, swatting his hands away and giving him the best glare I could muster up in the morning.

Paul lifts his hands up in defeat before swinging an arm over my shoulders, warming me up in an instant. What's with their abnormal body temperature? "Come on, everyone else is in the kitchen. We didn't want to wake you." I laughed dryly at that, shaking my head.

I followed Paul and Seth into the crowded kitchen. All the guys' mouths practically drooling over the cinnamon buns Emily is making. I spot Leah leaning against the counter right when she looks my way, a smile making its way on her lips. Last night we really hit it off. I got to know her more and she got to know me. She once dated Sam and I shared that I dated a douchebag a year ago who broke my heart, cheating on me with a girl from school; who bullied me. Then I told her that I will never date again because boys are creatures that us women don't get; at all. Yet again, they don't get us either. Guess it's fair.

I wave at her, not daring to move because Paul still had his arm around me and he was in deep conversation with Embry. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I lean a little closer to him, resting my head against his bicep–I was too short to reach his stupid shoulder– and closed my eyes. Enjoying the company.

Assuming that Paul saw my state, he moved his arm down to my waist, pulling me closer to his side, still talking to Embry about Lord knows what. I smile softly, wrapping my arms around his torso gently, allowing his body temperature to keep me warm.

"So Chloee..." Embry turns his attention to me. I hum a response, not daring to open my eyes.
Embry chuckles, "Are you comfortable?" He asks. I open my eyes, noticing everyone looking at me and I blush lightly, nodding.
"He's like a life-size teddy bear." I say, smirking when I look up and see Pauls cheeks turn a light shade of red, causing everyone to laugh and Paul mumble a 'shut up'.

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