Chapter Thirty Six

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*Present Day*
~Jacobs P.O.V~

I watch the waves, crashing and making a splash as a gust of wind comes from them, hitting me and my hot body. If I didn't have the body heat I have, I'd probably shiver from the cold wind.

I look down at my large, calloused hands as I think about my last memory with Chloee before William took her away from us; from me.

Anger washes over me, making me growl and get up, punching the closet thing in front of me; a tree. The tree crashes down, making the ground shake from the impact and I take in a deep breath, trying to calm down my racing heart.

For a while, I stare at the fallen tree, a tree that was once strong and standing tall but now is weak and broken. Right now, I'm that tree. Weird how I can see something like a tree and understand it. I roll my eyes, shaking my head at the thought as I march my way off the beach and towards my motorcycle.

I fling my right leg over the seat, straddling the wide, two-wheeled vehicle before starting it up and kicking the stand back. I turn the piece of metal around and out of the small parking lot for First Beach. I zoom down the familiar streets, turning with the road when I need to, feeling the wind flow through my hair and crippling my clothes. The familiar smell of the forest, the pine trees and dirt, taking over my senses as they take me back to the last time I was on patrol. My large paws making dents on the ground and my fur feeling the breeze weave it's way through the small hairs, my wet nose inhaling the woodsy smell and my eyes looking down on the large trees.

A small smile forms on my lips at the memory, remembering how free I felt. But now, I know that without her, I'm not free.

I turn into the dirt driveway to the small red house I've grown up in. I turn off the motorcycle, kicking the stand back down before hopping off. Just as I was walking, my phone started to vibrate and I aimlessly pull it out of my back pocket, answering the phone.

"Hello?" I say in the phone, walking up the small ramp and onto the porch.

"Jacob, it's Sam." Sam's voice booms through the other end, his voice with a hint of worry in it. "It's Chloee, Jake." He sighs and I feel my heart drop, sinking into my stomach.

"She was in a car crash."


*48 hours previous of present day*
~Chloee's P.O.V~

"You haven't told the guys?!" I quietly shout, staring at a furious/worried Leah - who has been laying in her bed since yesterday.

She shakes her head, her hair rubbing against the light purple pillow case as she glances a distraught look towards me. "No, and I want to keep it that way." She hisses, already tired of the subject.

I sigh, closing the white, wooden door before approaching the confused girl. I sit on the soft bed, rubbing her exposed arm and I give her a small smile. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." I say and she nods, focusing her eyes back on the ceiling.

"Good." She says, keeping her reply cut and clean.

I inhale a deep breath, looking around the purple room, the room which reveals the true Leah. You see, all along I've known that deep down inside, Leah was a secret girly girl who just needed someone to help bring that out.

Maybe that someone can be Adam.

"You know, Adam really is a great guy." I quietly say, slowly looking over at the tan girl, watching her brown eyes glisten at the mention of her imprints name.

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant