Chapter Thirteen

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"Chloee! Look at this top, it's so you!" Leah squeals, her inner girl revealing itself for the past four hours... I smile at her and walk over to where she is, holding up a grey, long sleeved sweater.

"I think I have enough sweaters, Lee.." I trail off, holding up the bag that contains three or four sweaters from the previous store we were in. Leah laughs and shakes her head, placing the item back down.

"We need to find you an outfit for the bonfire!" Leah gushes, grabbing my hand and dragging me around the store to another section containing shirts.

"I think you've said that a billion times already, Lee.." I groan, counting down the seconds as to when we can finally go back home. I hate shopping.

"I know, I know.. But you're meeting Jacob's dad and Quil's's a big deal!" She says, grabbing a v-neck beige tank and an oversized brown sweater/cardigan. "I think this will be cute!" She says, handing me the clothes before grabbing a pair of dark brown leggings, with lace at the bottom. "You can wear your white vans!" Leah exclaims, placing the leggings in my arms before going to a different part of the store.

She rarely does this, she rarely does th- I fall backwards on my butt, all the bags and clothes going everywhere. A soft groan escapes my lips as I sit up, rubbing my back. Again?!

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" A deep voice mumbles and I look up, my breath getting caught in my throat.

There stood a handsome boy with piercing blue eyes and tanned skin, brown hair against his completion and he was muscular. He smiles at me, helping me up but never moving his hands from my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his pearly whites on display. I nod, shaking myself out of my daze and look around.

"My bags.." I mumble, bending down to gather them and the unknown boy helps me.

"I'm Tyler." He says, handing me my clothes before we stand back up. I smile and hold out my hand, "Chloee." Tyler nods, smiling and shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you." "You too."

"Chlo!" Leah runs over to me and I look at her, her face no longer in girl mode but very serious. "We need to head back." I nod, placing the unpaid clothes down before following Leah out the store.

"See you around!" Tyler shouts and I look back, smiling. "See ya!" I shout back before following a frantic Leah.



"Leah! Slow down!" I practically scream, squeezing my eyes shut and holding onto the arm rest and door handle.

We left the stores about fifteen minutes ago and we are a half hour away from home.. Leah is trying to get there faster than that so she is speeding and I swear, I'm going to either die or throw up if she doesn't slow down! Heck, both just might happen...

"Can you relax? You'll be fine!" Leah says, dodging another car making me squeal. Leah laughs softly and shakes her head, adding more pressure to the gas and zooms throw an almost red light.

"Leah, no one is dying! Can you slow down?!" I ask, tightening my seatbelt just in case. I still don't do well in cars since the accident. I can handle being in them if we're driving at the speed limit and not doing what Leah is doing.

"Just turn on music, it'll help distract you from my speeding." She mumbles, turning on a station and the song 'Chandelier' by Sia starts to play.

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