Chapter Thirty Five

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*96 hours later*

"So, you have a boyfriend?" He asks, driving down the rainy streets of Forks, Washington.

I shake my head, tears running down my face as I say goodbye to the small town I've come to fall in love with and to the people I'm leaving behind; including Jake.

"I'm going to leave as soon as I'm eighteen, you know." I say, glaring at the man in the drivers seat. The man looks at me, his green eyes staring into my brown ones. His brown hair is fading at the ends, grey hairs making their way through his scalp.

"You're so independent and thick skinned and strong willed and-"

"-just like my mom?" I ask, keeping my glare. My dad sighs, gripping the steering wheel as the car comes to a stop.

Before you ask, yes, he's my dad. Two days ago he surprised us with a visit. He insisted on getting to know me and the people who I've been surrounded with before he took me back "home". To his surprise, I was mad and slapped him when I first saw his face. Memories were flooding through my mind - memories I buried deep under in hopes that they will never replay ever again. He hasn't tried anything yet. But with my kind of luck, something will happen when we get off the road.

The red light turns green, letting us know that we can now move the car. William places his foot on the gas and we start to move across the intersection.

We were almost across and on the other side - that is until we got hit and our car started to skid, tumbling in the other direction, a huge truck hitting us in the side; my side of the car. My body is shaking and trembling against the car, my head hitting the glass window several times before the car comes to the stop.

And all I see is black.


*96 hours previous of present day*

"Yes! I win again!" Seth excitedly shouts, gathering all of the cards and pieces before setting the game back up.

For the past two hours we've been playing the game of 'Life'. You see, three hours ago it started to rain so we've been stuck inside with only boring board games to play.

"Wanna go watch a movie?" Jacob whispers in my ear and I look at him, smiling before nodding vigorously.

"Anything to get out of playing this game again.." I whisper back, watching a smile spread across his face before standing up.

Quickly, he grabs my hand, pulling me out of my seat and drags me towards the living room. We hear everyone groan, being stuck with playing another round with Seth. The both of us chuckle as we approach the couch. He lays down, pulling me down and on top of him before turning on the tv. He goes on demand, looking for good movies to watch before coming across 'Transformers 3'.

"Can we watch it??" He asks like a little kid in a candy store. I look up at him and roll my eyes.

"Sure. I'll just take a nap." I answer and he smiles, kissing my forehead before turning the movie on.

I rest my head on his chest, watching the screen change pictures, robots showing on the screen before changing scenes again. I just stare at the tv, waiting for sleep to take me away until I open my eyes again - only to wake up with a headache.


*72 hours previous of present day*

"How are you doing Adam?" I ask my favorite brunette. He smiles at me, his tiresome blue eyes meet my brown eyes.

"Good. How are you?" He asks and I shrug, squeezing his hand.

Last night, Adam woke up from his coma and the vibrations from my phone on the wooden nightstand woke me up. Edward Cullen called me, telling me that Adam just woke up and was asking for me - he was also asking about what happened in New York.

So, I quickly got out of my bed and got ready before waking Sam, demanding that he takes me to the Cullen's or I'll walk by myself. Of course Sam didn't want me to walk, so he forced himself up and took me over into the big house in the middle of the woods.

I've been here since.

"I'm hanging in there.." I quietly answer, peering my eyes at the slightly cracked wooden door.

Adams calloused fingertips run through the scalp of my head, weaving his fingers in my hair before giving my head a light massage.

"Chloee, I heard you while I was in a coma.. I know about Jacob..." A quiet sighs escapes his lips before he continued, "and your dad.." He whispers quietly, grabbing my hand gently. "I'm sorry about your dad and I'm happy that you're finally getting what you deserve... But, Chloee, how are you truly handling all of this?" He asks again and I shake my head, my eyes rolling up towards the right for a second.

"I'm not," I sigh, pulling my chair closer to his bed. "I don't want my dad in my life, whatsoever. Jacob, he cares and shows compassion but sometimes I struggle that it's truly him." I finish, not bothering to go into detail. "Other than that, I don't know how else to express what's going through my mind.." I mumble, staring at the white sheets on the small bed.

We just sit there in silence, neither of us saying a word or moving a muscle. I close my eyes, enjoying the presence of my best friend - the person who knows me inside and out. Adam, a person I consider as a big brother, is someone I can go to about anything.

And it's then I want Jacob to become that person; I need him to be that person.

"Hey Chloee. Sam sent me to check up on yo-" Leah walks in the room, stopping mid-sentence and I look over at her, my eyebrows bunched together as I stare at her with curiosity.

"Uh, Leah?" I quietly ask, following her gaze to Adam. I stare at Adam - who is also frozen in place with his eyes fixated on Leah. I look back and forth between the two, knowing that I've seen this before; I've experienced this before.

That's when it hits me and I realize what's happening and what will happen soon because of it.

Leah imprinted on Adam.

A/N: Hey guys! First id like to say, HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!!!

So, yeah, that happened... Leah imprinted and I only have two more chapters left for this book... Oh no! But guys, don't worry! In my Paul Lahote fanficition, you will hear more about Leah and Adam. And soon, hopefully, I will write a Leah Clearwater book...that is if you guys want it.

Anyways, like always, leave your thoughts in the comment section below and don't forget to vote!

Until next chapter,

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora