Chapter Twenty Six

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"Adam!" I exclaim, dropping my duffle and running over to the tall man.

Adam is a very handsome guy. Brown hair with gorgeous blue eyes, beautifully tanned skin and he is muscular. But not as muscular as the guys back in La Push.

"Chloee! You look more and more like your mother every time I see you." He says, embracing me in a hug.

You see, Adam met my mom at work. They both worked together and met at a meeting. No, they were never together romantically. Adam is 25 whereas my mom was 35, making her have me at 23 - in case you were wondering.

Ever since they met, Adam would come over to visit and have dinner with us. I'll admit, I had a little crush on him when I was 15. I mean, who wouldn't? He's gorgeous-

"So, your step brother let you go for a while?" Adam asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nod, pulling out my phone from my bag, remembering to call Emily. "He did, surprisingly." I answer as he turns on the ignition to the car, my suitcase and duffle in the backseat.

"Are you going to call?" He asks, noticing me pulling out my phone.

"Yeah.. If you don't mind.." I trail off, looking at the beautifully sculpted jawline before me. Adam flashes me one of his famous smiles and nods, taking a quick glance before looking back on the road before him.

At that, I dial the home phone and listen to the annoying dial tone, waiting for an answer.

"Chloee! Where are you?!" I hear a worried Sam exclaim through the phone.

I take a quick glance at Adam, noticing that he isn't paying any attention to my conversation. "Just wanted to call and let you know that I'm in New York. Adam just picked me up and we're on our way to his place." I say, acting like he already knew that and I was just checking in.

Sam sighs on the other line, no doubt running a hand through his frizzy hair. "You should've waited until I got back."

"Wasn't apart of my plan." I keep my voice chipper.

"Well, it should've been because not only have I been worried sick but so has Jacob." My heart clenches at the mention of Jacobs name, making me shake my head, ridding the thought of him.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time." I say, trying not to give much away to Adam. I mean, who wants to tell someone that they practically ran away? I know I don't.

"He wants to talk." He says and I shake my head.

"Maybe later. Got to go. Bye!" I say, hanging up before Sam can say anything else.

"So, do you have ice cream?" I ask Adam, a smile plastered on my face.


"I can eat this for the rest of my life, I swear!" I dramatically say, leaning back in the seat at my spot on the couch, rubbing my stomach. I had peanut butter ice cream and boy, do I love it.

Adam chuckles to my outburst, gathering the empty bowels and spoons before getting up to place the dishes in the sink. "Good to know." He pretends to take in the "new" information as something important, making me laugh and throw my wallet at him. I tried paying for half but he denied it and beat me to the register, taking the basket with him - which was filled with many toppings for the ice cream.

"So," Adam starts, sitting down with me on the couch. "How are you doing lil' red?" He asks and I look down at my lap, knowing full well what he's really asking.

"I miss her. A lot. But I'm hanging in there. My step brother and his fiancée have been very good to me." I answer his question, leaving out the information about the guys.

"That's good, I'm really happy to hear that.." He says, placing a hand on my knee in a brotherly way.

You see, he's always been like a big brother to me. He's looked out for me before the Uley's came into the picture and continued to look out for me after my mom remarried. He knows how Sam treated me and how frustrating it was. He's very protective of me and once he found out someone wanted to take me to prom last year, he "talked" to him.. Let's just say I didn't go to prom that year.

"Yeah," I pause, yawning "I was scared at first but I'm doing better." I mumble, rubbing my tiresome eyes.

Adam chuckles and helps me get up from the couch. "Let's get you to bed."


Jacobs P.O.V

I thought she wouldn't do this. Run away. Leave me after I told her one of my biggest secrets. At first, I was furious and angry but after talking to Sam and Emily, I became more understanding and worried.

Chloee running off to New York with only Emily knowing probably wasn't the smartest idea. But, after talking to Sam and Emily again, I had no choice but to give her space. Even if the wolf inside me craved her presence; her voice.

Sam tried getting Chloee to talk to me on the phone but she refused, hanging up before he even got the chance to try and change her mind. But I decided not to pry and wait for a call again. So, I've been sitting here, waiting for a call; for something or someone to tell me that she's safe - even though she isn't here, where I can protect her from that thing.

When she left, we were on patrol because Brady got a trail of that sickening scent and we all were called in. We chased it to the other side of the treaty line and haven't seen or smelled it since. Part of me is worried that it knows she's not here, so it's going to hunt her down. But another part of me know that if it comes even a mile out from my imprint,

I will be there faster than you can say my name.

A/N: Hey guys!

So, all the ideas and plans I've had for this book is finally going into play! I'm super excited and I hope you guys are excited too :)

Like always, leave a comment and blah blah blah. You know the drill!

Until next chapter,

P.S. Sorry for the crappy chapter!

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