Chapter Five

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We both stare at each other, frozen in place. Neither of us daring to move.
"Chloee!" Paul yells, emerging from the water and over to me. "Are you okay?" He asks, grabbing my face and making me look at him. I nod, shaking my head out of my daze. "I'm fine." My voice a little hoarse from lack of oxygen. He nods and turns his attention to Jacob, who is still staring at me; his intense stare making me uncomfortable.

"Dude, are you okay?" Paul asks Jacob, hitting his chest. Jacob snaps out of his trance and stares at me with a look of adoration, making me confused. He nods at Paul, a smile forming on his lips. "Yeah, I'm fine." Jacobs deep, husky voice breaks through. Not daring to lose eye contact with me.

I look down and wiggle out of Paul's grasp. "I'm gonna..." I look up at Paul then at Jacob before walking as fast as I can in the sand towards my towel. I take once last glance at the guys, Paul glaring at Jacob and Jacob looking at me confused. I toss my sunglasses on my towel, running a shaky hand through my hair before turning around. Shaking my head, I lay down on my towel and grab the sunscreen from my bag, applying it on my arms first.

"Hey, what happened back there?" Leah asks, walking over to me in her white bikini. I shrug, sitting up more and apply some sunscreen to my stomach, making sure I get a good amount on my scars. "Jacob ran into me, I fell, he caught me, looked in my eyes and I in his and we froze. Paul came over, checked on us, and now they're-" I look over, pointing at them, noticing that they're now both glaring at each other, "-like that." I sigh, standing up. "Can you put some on my back?" I ask Leah, handing her the bottle.

Leah takes the bottle from me, squirting some of the contents in her hand before dropping the bottle on my towel, applying the sunscreen on my back; making sure she gets some under my straps and a good amount on the scar on my back. "You two stared into each other's eyes?" She asks slowly and I nod, humming an answer noticing all the guys–including Jacob and Paul–making their way over here. I offer them all a smile, awkwardly waving. I mentally slap myself, I'm so stupidly awkward.. Leah gets done rubbing the contents on my back and I bend down, grabbing the bottle before applying more on my legs.

Before I put the bottle away, I double check and make sure all of my scars are covered very well, then I turn my attention to the boys.
"Uhh, Chloee...?" Jared asks, his baby doll face smiling. I look at him, eyebrows raised as I sit on my towel, pulling out my phone and headphones.
"How'd you get the bruise on the side of your face?" He asks, pointing at it. Confused, I touch my face, remembering the bruise. They couldn't see it last night because I had makeup covering it. It should be just about healed.
"When my mom and I were in the car accident, I flung out of the car and slammed my face against a rock..." I answer, looking down at my phone.

Everyone just stood there in complete silence. Someone walks over and sits next to me, pulling me into their lap and kisses my cheek. "I think she's beautiful with and without a bruise." Paul speaks, squeezing me closer to him. A small blush creeps up into my cheeks and I hear someone growl. I look up, confused and turn my attention to Paul who is giving a cold hard glare to someone. Following his gaze, I notice him and Jacob are having another stare down. Great. I sigh, biting back a groan.

"I think you boys should go play with the football you brought." Leah breaks the silence, grabbing the odd shaped ball, tossing it to Jared. He catches it and hands it to Seth, a smile on his face. "Actually, I told Kim that I'd take her shopping in Port Angeles today.." A small blush creeps on to his face, the boys 'oohing' and 'awwing'.
Someone's got it bad." Embry says in a sing-song voice, causing Jared to hit him behind his head, making all the boys laugh.

I giggle, covering my mouth as I do so, and push Paul away; at least I tried to. He's like a giant rock, refusing to move an inch. He chuckles, placing me back on my towel before getting up. I lay down, plugging in my headphones as I watch the boys run down the beach, laughing and pushing each other as they ran.

"Let's get our tan on!" Leah says, laughing as she lays down. Her headphones are in one ear and I do the same; giving us the ability to converse while we tanned-at least I'm going to try to-and listened to music.


I'm laying on my stomach after laying on my back for about a half hour; rotating so that I won't get burned. My sunglasses are on, and wiped off, and I brought my hair up in a messy bun, keeping it away from my back. Leah untied my bikini, exposing my back to get it evenly tanned. The song 'Confident' by Demi Lovato plays in my ear while my other ear hears Leah's soft snores. I giggle to myself and roll my eyes before closing them. Hopefully she won't burn, I think to myself then roll my eyes. Yeah right.

I'm half way to sleep town when I feel warm hands touch my back. Assuming it's Leah, I ignore it until someone yanks my phone away from me, my ear buds going with it, before I feel ice cold water splash all over my warm back. Immediately, I open my eyes and stand up, noticing that my bikini top is now secured against my back. I whip my head towards the "innocent" three youngest boys and I throw off my sunglasses, glaring at them. "Run." I say, very deeply and creepily might I add, and they all ran; screaming for the other boys.

I ran after them– scratch that, I wobbled after them. Two more weeks of this annoying boot... I almost reach them until I trip over something and, you guessed it, fell on my face. Wonderful. I groan and sit up, rubbing my head. My right leg is throbbing like there's no tomorrow but my one concern is the red like liquid cascading down from my hair line to my nose. I wipe it away quickly, realizing that I got cut by a seashell. I would get cut by a seashell of all things, I think to myself before hearing my name being called but I ignore the distant calls as I stand up, brushing myself off.


"Oh my god, Chloee! Are you okay?!"

"You're bleeding!"

Way to state the obvious, I think to myself when I heard the last comment. The deep voices muffle all together and I feel strong arms wrap themselves around my waist, steadying me in my some-what dizzy state. I look up and see the soft eyes of the one and only, Jacob Black. He smiles softly down at me, using his other hand to wipe away the new stream of blood.

"Are you okay?" His husky voice whispers to me, making my heart stutter. If he could hear my heart he'd think I'm weird.

I nod at him, shifting my weight to my right leg and wince. It might be longer than two weeks now... Jacob nods, pulling me closer and preventing me from shifting my weight to my right leg, a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

"Let's take you back to Emily's." He says, his voice a bit louder. Everyone nods in agreement and they all run towards Leah, waking her up. A look of confusion washes over her face as she watches them pack up all of our stuff then she looks over to me, her confused face not so confused anymore. Instead, a small smile is on her face with a scowl.

I remove my eyes from her intense stare and let Jacob guide me up the beach, his arm never leaving me side. I shiver a little from either being cold or the butterflies in my stomach, that's odd. Jacob removes his arm from my waist, taking off his shirt before helping me put it on, making my heart speed up. He puts his arm back around my waist, practically carrying me to Sam and Emily's. A small blush cascades on my cheeks and my heart continues to thud hard against my chest, making me fear that he could hear my heart but then I remember, no one has good enough hearing to actually hear a heartbeat.

A chuckle erupts from his throat, hearing the boys bicker in the background, making me smile.

What is happening to me?!
A/N: Here's another chapter for you guys! I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I can't wait to hear what you guys think about Jacob and Chloee.

Please, leave your thoughts in the comments below! I love hearing from you guys!

Until next time,

Hello (A Jacob Black Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz