Chapter Six

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A/N: Good morning my loves! I am up super early for my morning run and I NEEDED to post the next chapter. I couldn't wait to post it all week! Anyways, I hope you like it!! Enjoy!

I am currently sitting on the couch at Sam and Emily, my right leg elevated and a warm cloth on my forehead. My eyes are closed and I can hear people talking in the other room. Shifting around, trying to make myself more comfortable, someone walks in the room. I open my eyes and see Sam. A sympathetic look is on his face but he still has that cold hearted glare in his eyes. Why does he hate me?

He walks over to me, removing the blood-stained cloth before sitting next to me.
"How are you feeling?" He asks, looking at me and me looking at him. I shrug, looking down at my lap. "I'm okay." I tell him, playing with the hem of my shorts.

Sam placed a hand on my left knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Look, Chloee, I, uh, wanted to apologize about how I've be- always have been acting towards you. It's just-" he sighs, making me look up at him. "-my mom died giving birth, my baby sister going with her. It felt like-" "My mom and I were replacing them?" I cut in, a sympathetic smile on my face. He nods, rubbing a hand over his face.

A look down at his hand on my knee and I smile, placing a hand on his and squeezing it. "All is forgiven." I look up at him, my smile still plastered on. "And I get it. Losing a parent, I mean." Sam nods before standing up, ruffling my hair. "Glad we took care of that..even though it happened really late." His deep voice whispers and I nod. "Better late than never." He nods before looking behind me, a wide grin making its way on his lips as he walks away. I turn my head, taking in the magical scene behind me. Sam approaches Emily and kisses every inch on her face, causing her to giggle, before placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

To some people, they may look at Emily as a not so attractive person because of her scars but this is what I think; everyone can't see the beauty we all have because they haven't been able to embrace the beauty themselves have. If you can't see the beauty in yourself, how can you in others?

"Freckles! How are you doing?" Paul's beaming voice echoes through the house, making me move my gaze from the lovely couple to him. I roll my eyes and smile, "I got attacked by a vicious seashell. Normally I would say that I'm good but, I'm out for revenge." I wiggle my eyebrows before leaning over and reaching for the remote. I turn on the Telly(no I'm not British but it's more fun to say Telly instead of TV..try it!) and change the channels around until I find a rerun of Full House.

Paul sits down next to me, swinging an arm over my shoulders. "Want help on your little investigation?" He asks, making his voice deeper than normal. I laugh before lightly punching him in the stomach. Not because I didn't want to hurt him but because I didn't want to hurt myself. He has abs of steel!

Paul raises his eyebrows and pokes me in the stomach, making me squeal. I cover my mouth, eyes wide, watching a smirk grow on this monsters lips. Quickly, he starts attacking my sides, causing me to fall backwards on the couch because of how hard I was laughing. Paul moves closer to me, his knees on either side of my left leg, ticking me harder. I start laughing, really loud, trying to grab his wrists to make him stop.

"Paul!" I gasp, my laughters still echoing through the room. "Stop!!" I scream, finally kneeing him in the stomach. He groans, leaning over and places his hands on either side of my face. Pauls face is inches from mine, making my heart pick up its speed. Why do I feel like this is wrong? Like I'm going to cheat on someone if he kisses me?

He smiles softly at me and kisses me on the cheek before getting up, taking me with him. A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I smiles softly at him, biting back the urge to apologize.

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