Chapter Twenty Five

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Another 2 hour run to take care of another stressful situation. Paul and Jacob. Or should I say Paul or Jacob.

The kiss we shared was sweet and careful. It wasn't rushed, it was slow and perfect. It made me feel like I was floating on a cloud and I didn't want to land. But at the same time, I worry about Jacob and I don't know why. Or should I say, I know why but don't want to accept it. The imprint. Maybe it has some sort of connection, pulling us together. I don't know much about it, so I can only guess and figure things out to a certain extent.

And with that, I find myself outside of Sue Clearwaters house. Her car is parked out front, letting me know that she's home and, hopefully, isn't going anywhere any time soon. I inhale a deep breath, catching my breath before walking onto the wooden porch and towards the front door. Just be her, just be her. I beg in my mind, knocking on the blue door.

A few moments pass before the wise, russet skinned women opens the door, a smile plastered on her face. "Chloee! What a surprise!" She exclaims, pulling me into a hug and I accept it with open arms.

"Hey, I hope I'm not interrupting anything.." I mumble, both of us pulling from the embrace.

Sue smiles and shakes her head, guiding me into the house and towards the living room. "Seth and Leah are out of the house so it's just me." We both take a seat on the brown leathered couch, her hands being placed on my knees. "Now, what brings you here?" She asks in a motherly tone, bringing tears to my eyes. I miss my mom.

I clear my throat, fixing my posture before speaking. "They told me.." I speak barely over a whisper and Sue squeezes my knees.

"Seth told me that you know.. What's going on dear?" She asks and I cover my face, wiping away the tears escaping from my eyes.

"I want to go to New York but I feel like I can't. But here," I sniff, looking at the concerned motherly figure before me, "here I feel like I can't make any decisions. I feel like my mind is fuzzy with everything." I sigh, looking down at my hands. "Everyone."

"You know about the imprint." She more states than asks but I nod anyways.

"I don't get it. I don't understand it. I just don't want my choice of what to do with my life or who I spend it with to be ripped away from me." I finish, looking back up at the woman I am seeking wisdom from.

Sue offers me a smile before leaning over, kissing my forehead. "Do what Chloee needs. Don't do what Sam or Jacob or anyone else needs. If you need to go to New York, go. But don't forget what you need to do after that." She has a point. I need to do what I need, not what anyone else needs. It's me and my life and this choice won't be taken away from me. And if they all care about me, they'll accept it and won't beg me to change my mind.

I smile and hug Sue tightly before pulling away. "Thank you, Sue." I say and she nods, patting my knees.

"Now, I believe you have something you need to do."


One suitcase and a carry on later, I got everything I need for a trip to New York which is packed and ready to go.

When I got back from Sue's, everyone was gone. They left me a note, telling me that they went on "patrol" - whatever that's supposed to mean - and Emily when to get more food. Again.

So, with no one being here to stop me, I started to pack and figure out what I'll say to them, how I'll say it. I got the first flight to New York tonight at 9 and I'll be landing in JFK at midnight; Adam will be meeting me there.

I go into my email on my phone, pulling up the plane ticket just as I hear a pair of footsteps entering the house, making my stomach drop and my heart race. I take in a deep breath, rising from my spot on my bed before exiting the room, making my way down the stairs.

"Chloee! When did you get back?" Emily smiles for her spot in the kitchen.

I smile at Emily, stepping down from my spot on the last stair, making my way around the dining room and towards Emily. I pull her into a hug, holding her tightly and she does the same. "Thank you..for everything." I whisper in her ear before pulling away.

"I'm going to New York. My plane leaves at 9, so Sue is picking me up in thirty minutes." I say, my eyes meeting Emily's.

She just looks at me and I her, before pulling me into another hug. "Just come back." She whispers in my ear and I nod, giving her a squeeze before pulling away.

"Em, I need to do this. So please, don't stop me." I ask her and she nods, grabbing my hand before giving it a squeeze.

"Are you going to wait for the guys?" She asks and I look down, shaking my head.

"I'll call when I land, but I wanted to be sure to say goodbye to you before I left." I say, looking back up at her.

Emily smiles softly and nods, squeezing my hand again. "I understand. Just be careful."

"And don't let them come after me. Please don't let them." I ask, begging her.

Emily nods and kisses my cheek. "I'll threaten them." She jokes and I smile, a soft laugh escaping my lips.

"Thank you, again." I say.

"No, thank you for showing me - showing everyone - how strong a woman truly can be. Thank you for being willing to let in a group of strangers and not closing them out. Thank you for being you.

"Thank you for coming back when you do."

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! It was a little hard to write but I loved writing it!

Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below! I love hearing from you guys (:

Until next chapter,

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