Chapter Twenty Four

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(A/N: So, I've been going back and forth as to whether or not I should do this chapter but in all honesty, it needs to happen... I'll explain why at the end of this chapter.. Enjoy..I hope...)

"Chloee! Open up!" Paul bangs on my door again while I pack my bags.

I decided that the best place to make decisions is in New York. Where there is no wolves in the way of blocking my process. So, here I am, packing almost everything I have in one suitcase and Paul decided that he will be the one to stop me. Yeah, okay. Good luck.

"Leave me alone!" I shout, sniffing, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks.

The sound of the lock breaking echoes through the room and I snap my head around, coming face to face with a panicked Paul.

"Freckles, you can't go." He says and I roll my eyes, turning around to continue packing my bags.

"Because of Jacob, right?" I scoff, throwing a pair of leggings in the case. "Honestly I don't care about him right no-"

"-no, because of me." He interrupts and I slowly turn around, looking at him. It's not possible for two people to imprint on the same person? Is it..? If it is, I ain't marrying two different guys and having their kids. One dude asking for kids is more than enough.

"Because of you?" I ask in a confused tone. Paul nods, closing the now broken door behind him before approaching me. He is probably the only person I'm not super mad at right now. He hasn't defended anyone or made me more mad, he's just been in the shadows, watching every move.

"Yeah.." His voice deepens, grabbing my hand and pulling me down to sit next to him on the bed. "This is going to be more confusing but, uh.." He stops, scratching his head before looking me in the eyes, taking in an ounce of confidence before saying his next line. "Since I first saw you, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever saw. Your red hair and freckled face, the way your eyes are a golden brown with black around the edges, the sight of you took my breath away." He pauses, taking in a deep breath.

Heat rushes up to my cheeks and I can't help but try and hide the blush with my hair. Paul quickly notices and grabs my chin, making me look at him. "I'm not done yet." He says, chuckling and I laugh. "Anyways, I grew a liking towards you. Then, on the beach that one day, Jacob imprinted on you and that was one of the most heartbreaking things I've ever had to go through. Even though I knew what happened, feelings for you continued to grow and grow. But at the end of the day, I know you're supposed to be with Jacob and I'm learning to be okay with that." I stop him, placing a hand up and shake my head.

"You don't know that. I have choices to make still." I say, Paul looking down at me with care and sweetness in his eyes. "I don't want my choice of who I get to spend the rest of my life with be taken away from me because of some "wolf thing"." I say, smiling. "But thank you for sharing."

"Do you, or did you have-"

"-feelings for you too?" I interrupt, causing a tint of red cover his cheeks and I smile, nodding. "Yeah, I do.." I look down at my lap, biting my bottom lip.

The bed squeaks, the weight of Paul being lifted off of the springs, giving them a break from their stretch. Quickly, I stand up and hug Paul from behind tightly, my left cheek pressed against his back. "Thank you." I whisper.

Paul turns around in my arms, making me look up at him and him down at me. "For what?" He asks, resting his hands around my curvy waist.

"Being my best friend. Someone that I find comfort in all of this." I shrug, licking my lips. "Even though you also lied to me, you didn't do anything to defend yourself or anyone else. You just listened and confronted me when you felt it was right." I finish and smile softly, Paul returning the favor.

Have you ever gotten that urge to kiss someone? Even if you knew that you shouldn't but you had to, just to know that you did it just in case? Well, I'm experiencing that urge and by the looks of it, so is Paul.

Slowly, he leans down and I stay frozen in spot, another imaginary fight happening in my head. At the end though, the latter wins and I lean in as well before both of our lips touch each other ever so lightly. We both pull away, looking into each other's eyes before closing them, our lips meeting again, molding together beautifully.

Our lips move together slowly, savoring the feeling and the taste that each of our lips have, not wanting to pull away and pretend this didn't happen. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck, our kiss staying at the same pace, and Paul wraps his arms around my waist before gently lifting me off the ground, spinning around in a circle as slowly as he can.

A tear escapes my eyes, the realization that I may never have a relationship with this man, the man who I grew so close to naturally outside of the rest of the boys. A man who didn't care about me wanting to cuddle him or just to hug him because I wanted to. My choice is taken away from me. And I don't like it. I want to have that choice, to make that decision.

Slowly, Paul places me back on my feet before pulling his lips from mine. I rub my lips together, wanting to savor the feeling of his lips on mine, and I keep my eyes closed, not wanting to come back to reality. As if Paul could read my mine, he rests his forehead against mine, giving a gentle peck to my lips and a soft squeeze around my waist.

"You have no idea how bad I've wanted to do that." He says in a quiet voice, making me smile and open my eyes only to see his are already fixated on me.

"You shouldn't have waited." I whisper, another year threatening to escape my eyes. "I wish you didn't." My voice cracks, the fat tear rolling down my cheek.

Paul pulls me into an embrace, burying his head into my neck and mine into his chest, both of us holding onto each other like our lives depended on in.

"Me too, freckles.." He whispers in my ear, repeating himself again.

" too.."

A/N: okay, don't hate me for doing that! I kinda needed it to happen...haha Please don't kill me!

The reason why I did it is because Chloee and Paul always had a connection between the both of them. This chapter needed to happen and I've been pushing it back because I've been scared as to how you guys will react.. So this needed to happen and you will find out why in the upcoming chapters!

If you think I should start writing a Paul Lahote Fanfiction, comment!!

Also, what did you think of this chapter? You all know the routine! Don't make me repeat myself ;)

Until next chapter,

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