Chapter 26: It's Not Brad

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Maggie's POV,

So it's been just under a moth since Angie and I have moved back into this house, and let me tell you it's been amazing. For a long time I have been able to sleep all night and not toss and turn. I feel safe here, knowing that nobody is here to disturb us, knowing that this is a safe location for Angie to grow up and be an amazing kid. Something always had me worried at Justin's, feel like when we are here it is all gone. To those that are asking yes, I have kept in touch with Justin just like I promised I would, and he had Angie for a night last weekend because she missed him and Lala, which is acceptable.

I can be myself and I can be free, but there is something that bothers me a little bit. I haven't had a chance to speak with or see Alex again, since the 'incident' with her and Brad I kept distance, I felt a little threatened by her because it was possible that he would choose her over him. Stopping Angie from going there probably made her miss her too, and I need to sort it out between the two of us. Brad has mentioned that he has seen her in town one day, which pissed me off at first that he took her to coffee, but then he explained he really had to settle things with her.

I can't help it that I am quite jealous. I mean, who wouldn't be? I finally have Brad back because things have worked out for us, I don't want it to go to waste because someone else gets involved. Is that selfishness? My nan told me that selfish people live longer, I'm just hoping it's true.

"So you going to meet up with her?" Summer asks while she takes another spoonful of strawberry jelly. This is her fourth pot, I don't know what it is with jelly, but I remember eating quite a bit of it when I was pregnant with Angie, it was just raspberry not strawberry.

"I don't know, I miss her, she was the person who was always around when everything else turned shit you know? I feel like I own her an apology, if Brad could talk to her surely I should be able to as well? It can't be much harder for me than it was for him." I sigh. It's been eating me away a bit, because she has become one of my best friends.

"She's a nice girl, I get along with her well too, she misses you a bit you know," Summer tells me and I sigh, quite frustrated with myself. Do you ever feel like you know you are wrong but your ego is too much to swallow it? Well that's me right now, I'm too proud to admit I am wrong.

"I know, I just feel like her and Brad, you know?" I bite my lip slightly, watching Summer finish the pot and open the fifth, I'm not judging, cravings are bad man, really really bad.

"I think every woman would feel what you did if their best friend slept with what is their ex husband. It's just that feeling of someone else touching him, you gotta get over it man." She giggles and eats some more jelly. "Trust me, I was so jealous of you for so long because of what you and James had and have, you guys are close friends, even after you dated so," she reminds me. I guess I never really thought about what she might feel like, I just know James and I are friends, best of friends too.

"I'll see if she's free then?" I suggest and Summer smiles, nodding and cracking on with eating her jelly.

1 Text to: Alex Boo
Hey, could we meet up to talk? Missing you! M xx

It's not very long before I get a reply, and it makes me smile.

1 Text from: Alex Boo
Been missing you too! Yeah at Starbucks in 30? A xx

I agree and get into my car, deciding that my simple outfit is enough, Alex was never the one to judge anyway.
"Thank you for coming," I say sincerely as I give her a hug, then sit opposite her with my Vanilla Frappe.

"I'm so sorry about everything, I was out of line," she tells me and takes a sip of whatever she has ordered, smiling slightly as she watches me lean on the table slightly.

"I know, it's alright. I also kind of over reacted, I just already knew I wanted him back I guess, I was jealous that you got to be with him while I couldn't?" It comes out more of a question, but it is honest and true.

"It was still quite bitchy of me to do so, but I'm just happy we can move past that now," she adds, which I nod to and agree.

"So, hows life and everything?" I ask her and she blushes a little.

"It's been okaii, missing Angie being around all the time but it's alright I guess, I started talking to this guy you see..." her blush becomes more evident and I want to know all of the detail about him.

"Oh my days do I know him? And I'm sure we can arrange it to be busy and Angie to need a sitter," I wink at her.

"Yeah you do know him... that's why I need your permission..." she trails off.

"It's not Brad is it? Coz I know you've spoken to him the other day," I start to panic, scared that even though we just said we were over it maybe she wasn't over him.

"Oh no Mags, I promise it's not Brad, he's only got eyes for you man," she lets me know me, probably because she has seen the worried expression held on my face.

"Well, who is the mysterious boy then?" I get quite curious.

"Connor, you don't mind do you? He's really nice, he brought me flowers and chocolate yesterday because I told him I wasn't feeling myself, Maggie he's perfect for me..." she spills the beans and I smile widely. Ever since Jemima has left him I feel like he has been lost himself, maybe now he will be himself again, and Alex will be closer to us all.

"Of course I don't mind! If anything, this is brilliant news," I smile.

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