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It was a normal night in Amber Beach when Riley asked his boyfriend, Chase, an important question, should they adopt a child? It was during romantic situation, sex. Chase stopped and sat next to Riley to confirm what he had said. Chase heard correctly, Riley had asked to adopted a child. The two boyfriends had a long and hard talk about whether or not to adopting a child. Chase argued with that they are too young, incapable, and unskilled in the area of children. Riley persuaded Chase by saying starting while they were young will help improve their knowledge for the future, and a child with their last names will be adorable. So it was settled, the would do the adoption the next day.

The following morning, Chase and Riley went to the adoption center to look for the child of their dreams. After a hour of viewing children, Riley saw a little boy sitting in the corner all by himself. Riley went over to talk to him, but the child tensed up and got scared. The worker at the adoption agency told Riley that the boy is named Dillon, was three years old, and was an abused child put in the system a month ago. Riley felt extremely sad for Dillon and went to Chase and discussed adopting Dillon. A while later, the two boys were the new fathers to Dillon Randall-Griffin.

Once the paperwork was filled out, Chase and Riley tried to get Dillon to the car but he was too scared. Riley picked up the child, but once Dillon was held in place, he freaked out. Dillon started crying his eyes out and saying things like "don't hurt me" or "I'm sorry". Neither Chase nor Riley could figure it out, but Riley tried soothing the child while they put him in the car seat. The ride home was peaceful, but the crying started again when they got home.

When Riley unbuckled Dillon's seat belt, Dillon began again with the crying. Both teenage boys did everything they could to make Dillon stop, and he did when he saw the inside of their house. It was like nothing Dillon had seen before, it had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a big kitchen, and a lovely living room. One bedroom was for the daddies, one for Dillon,which was already decorated and filled with everything, and the last was a playroom full of toys. Riley put Dillon on the ground and asked what he wanted to do first. Dillon walked toward the playroom and pointed to blocks.

The family spent thirty minutes building a tall tower and it looked liked Dillon was finally having fun, that is until the tower fell down. Dillon cried again and started apologizing and muttering not to hurt him. Chase said soothing words to his son while Riley picked up the blocks.

Soon dinner came along. Chase sat Dillon down in his highchair and gave him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Dillon's eyes grew wide since his past home didn't allow him to eat, but his eyes shrunk when he realized his new daddies didn't have any food in front of them. Dillon pushed his plate towards them and sat silently. Riley pushed the plate back to Dillon and assured him that the sandwich was his to eat. Dillon took a bite and his long lasting hunger went away.

When night fell, Chase gave Dillon a bath and changed him into pyjamas. Riley and Chase tucked Dillon in bed, read him a story, and kissed him goodnight. Before they left, Riley told Dillon that if he needed anything, just come ask. With that, the two boyfriends went into their own room and slept.

During the middle of the night, Dillon was having a terrible nightmare. His horrible dream was about his past home life, which was full of abuse and neglect. He dreamt that his old dad beating him for doing nothing and being left alone for hours at a time. He soon woke up realizing he needed to be secured, but he didn't want to disrupt his new daddies in fear they would hate him for not being a good child. He didn't care at this point, he just needed to be held.

Dillon got out of his bed and went in the hallway. It was dark and scary to him, and he didn't know were his daddies' room was at. He walked to a closed door and put his head to it and heard breathing. He then knew that was the room he was looking for and went inside. His daddies were both sleeping, and Dillon thought that if he woke them, they would get mad.

Dillon turned to leave when he heard daddy (Riley) wake up. Dillon's eyes watered up, that was the signal that sent Riley into total dad mode. Riley picked up his little one and asked what was wrong. Dillon explained his dream the best that he could. In the middle of Dillon's story, his Papa (Chase) awoke to hear the ending. Dillon felt better now that he was in the hands of some one that loved him. The rest of the night was spent with all three family members in the same bed sleeping.

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