Good Day

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It was a week since Riley came out to his family, and since Matt moved in. Life has kind of gone back to normal. Riley and Chase made the basement into a room for Matt. Dillon was nervous about Matt, but eventually learned to love him like he does with his daddies.

Dillon is in the playroom building a block tower with Matt. Matt stacked a block at the top and gestures toward Dillon for his turn. Dillon stood up and he realized that he wasn't tall enough to stack the next block.

"Uncle Matt." Dillon said with a sad look in his eyes. "Up please?"

"Sure." Matt said as he gently held up his nephew.

As soon as Dillon put his block at the top, the tower fell. Instead of crying like he usually does, Dillon didn't have any worries. Then Matt put him down.

"It okay Uncle Matt. I pick up." Said Dillon as he calmly picked up each block and put them in the container. "All done."

"Whoa. Good job." Matt then walked out of the room and into the living room. "Riley, Chase, guess what Dillon did when the block tower fell."

"Did he cry and have a meltdown?" Chase asked frustrated. He loved his son, but sometimes he was tired of Dillon's constant whining.

"No. He calmly picked up the blocks and put them away."

"What!" Exclaimed Riley. "That's a first. Chase, he's improving."

"Don't get too happy. He may want something." Chase told his boyfriend.

"Chase, he's three years old. He's not old enough for that."

"Let's just see about that."

Later on in the day, Riley was in the kitchen making lunch. The others were in the living room watching a random children's show. Dillon looked over and saw Daddy working by himself. He gently got up and made his way to the kitchen.

Dillon tugged Riley's leg. "Daddy, can I help?"

"Dillon, I'm not sure you would want to."

"Okay Daddy, if you no want me around."

Riley couldn't stand to see his son upset. "Okay, you can stay and help."

For the next few minutes, Dillon was a perfect kitchen helper. He did everything Riley told him to do and didn't back talk, though he never does. Dillon even set the table, well what he could do anyway.

"Great job." Riley said. "Go and get Papa and your uncle."

After Dillon had brought the two others to the kitchen, the family ate. Dillon even used his manners for once. He used his napkin, had no elbows on table, used silverware, and didn't get any food on outfit. When dinner was done, Dillon helped Riley clean the dishes.

"You did great, Dillon. You can play with your toys if you want." Said Riley.

"Okay." Dillon said as he went toward the playroom.

Meanwhile in the master bedroom, Chase and Riley were on the bed. Chase had his arms around his boyfriend rubbing circles on his back.

Riley turned and said, "Chase, Dillon has been an absolute delight today. He has never been so perfect."

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking we should reward him."

"Like how?"

"Maybe some ice cream at the parlor a few blocks away. It can be some daddies-son bonding time. Matt can stay here and rest, I know how much Dillon has been over him since he grown on him."

After getting in the car, the drive was quiet. Dillon was in his car seat all antsy about where he was going. His daddies had told him, and now he couldn't wait.

At the ice cream parlor, certain looks were given to Riley and Chase as they walked in holding hands. This kind of attention would have bothered Riley, but since he had came out to his mother, everything became easy.

As the family ate their ice cream, more glares and comments were made. Riley and Chase tried to ignore them, but Dillon saw how upset his daddies were.

"Daddy and Papa, why do these people keep look at you? What they saying?"

"It's nothing, baby. Eat the rest of your ice cream." Riley told his son.

"You seem upset."

This time Chase had to say something. "Dillon, these people are just mad at Daddy and Papa."


"They don't like they way me and Daddy are."

"What you mean? Love? It's not okay to love someone."

"It's okay to love someone. But the way Daddy and I love each other is different from how they want us to love."

"How it different?"

Riley finally had to speak up. "This is a discussion for when you're older."

"Okay." Dillon went back to eating his ice cream.

When they arrived home, Dillon went to play while Chase and Riley went to their bedroom. Riley was sitting on the bed with tears in his eyes.

"I hate this. I hate how we can't tell our son about the way we are." Riley cried.

"Riley, I know it's hard, but he'll know later. It's a tough subject with children."

"I hate having him ask questions that I can't answer."

"They all will be answered in time."

The rest of the night went back to normal. Dillon was tucked into bed by his daddies with goodnight kisses. For now, everything was perfect.

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