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The Randall-Griffin house just recently had some renovations. For starters, an attachment was added to the house so that two new rooms were built. Chance took one of the rooms so he could live with his family. A nursery for Astronema was the second room. Clay moved out of Dillon's room and into the boy house.

In the afternoon, Karone was in her son's room to pick up his dirty clothes. As she thought, the room of a teenage boy was like a dump. Clothes were thrown all over the room, drink cans were over the floor, and the room actually smelled like a dump. She picked up one of Chance's boxers, but the piece of clothing had food stains covering it.

As Karone picked up clothing, she also gathered thrash and threw it in a trash bag. Just getting all the trash out of the room took about half an hour.

When Karone place a pair of jeans in her basket, she felt something in the back pocket. She put the basket on the bed and unfolded Chance's jeans. She placed her hand inside the back pocket and felt a box. When she pulled the object out, she became furious.

Her son had a box of condoms in his pants. Out of all the possible thoughts as to what was in the jeans, Karone would have never thought about condoms. The pink Galaxy Ranger placed Chance's dirty clothes in the laundry room, and then she made her way to her room.

Matt was laying on the bed with his cowboy hat covering his face. He hadn't had heard her walk in.

"Matt! Look at this." Karone said as she threw the condoms onto the bed. Matt noticed the item and looked up.

"What are these?" The cowboy asked.

"You know what they are."

"Okay. Do you want me to use them?"

"Don't ask that question. Do you know where I got these?"

"I guess from a store."

"No. I got them from our son's room."

"Why would Chance have these? He's not even dating anyone."

"Well, he's doing something with someone."

"What should we do?"

"We need to talk to him when he gets home."

As the day went on, Matt and Karone waited on the living room couch awaiting their son's return. The door opened, then closed as a familiar voice was heard throughout the house.

Chance appeared from the corner and entered the living room. He saw his parents on the couch and with angry faces. He didn't know what they would be angry about. Before they could say anything, he tried leaving the room.

"Don't think about walking away." Matt said sternly. "Come here, now."

Chance slowly made his way to stand in front of his parents. His head was held high, in hopes to stay strong.

"Would you like to explain why I found these in your room?" Karone asked as she showed the box of condoms to her oldest child.

Chance's face was in shock. His hands were shaking, sweat began to form on his head, and he looked like he was out of words.

"Those aren't mine! I'm holding them for someone." Said the Rail Ranger.

"Classic excuse. You know I don't like lying, so tell me the truth." Matt told his son.

"I am telling the truth. I am holding them for someone."


"I can't tell you."

"If you can't give a name, then they must be yours."

"They aren't mine!"

"Then whose are they?"


As soon as Chance said the name, Matt and Karone were both relieved and concerned. Relieved that their son wasn't doing anything, but concerned as to why Dillon had these and why Chance was holding them.

"Chance, if these are Dillon's, why were they in your room?" Karone asked.

"Because he didn't want them in his room in fear that his dads might find them." The teen explained.

"So you hid them in your room, but didn't think that we would find them?"

"I didn't think about that. I was only helping my cousin."

Matt stood, about to say something. "Son, when you are ready to have sex, come to us so we can inform you about everything that you need to know."

"Okay, Dad."

"But, I'm going to tell Chase and Riley about this."


Later that evening, Chase and Riley sat at the kitchen table with Dillon. The box of condoms was in the middle of the table. Dillon had a disappointing look on his face. Chase and Riley were looking at their son with concerned expressions.

"Dillon, why would you have these? And why would you make your cousin hold them for you?" Chase asked.

"As you already know, TK and I are active in the bed. I wanted us to be safe by using condoms. I didn't want to keep them in my room because I didn't want you two finding them."

"I'm glad that you are using protection, but I am disappointed that you are even having sex before marriage."

"Look who's talking."

"What are you getting at?"

"I mean, you and Daddy have sex all the time, and you two aren't married."

"But we're engaged." Stated Chase, which made Dillon's mouth open.


"Riley and I are engaged."

"When did that happen?"

"Valentine's Day."

"Why haven't either one of you said anything about it to me?"

"Because we were waiting for the right time. Are you mad?"

"No. I'm glad my dads are getting married."

"That's good. But I'm still upset about what you and TK do."

"Papa, please don't get angry."

"I won't."

"What will you do about TK and I?"

"I can't really stop you from doing stuff with your boyfriend. So when the two of you do anything in the bed, make sure you use protection."


The three gathered and had a group hug. As Dillon was about to walk up to his room, Riley stopped him. Dillon was handed the box of condoms and then went to his room.

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