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Dillon's loving his life in Angel Grove, but he still missed Amber Beach. Sometimes he would think about his family and wonder what they were doing.

Dillon sat on his bed doing research on a english paper that was due the next day. It was like him to hold back on school assignments to the very last minute. He was assigned the paper a week ago, and never did a thing about it until tonight. He stopped his research when his phone ringed.

"Hello." Dillon said without checking who was calling.

"Dillon, it's your daddy." Riley told his son.

"Daddy! What brings you to calling me?"

"I just wanted to check up on you. We all miss you. How do you like Angel Grove?"

"It's lovely. I've found three of my teammates and we're trying to find another."

"That's nice. I've got good news."


"Karone found out that she and Matt are having a son!"

"That's great! When did she find out?"

"Two days ago. We all were excited. That's not all the good news."

"What else happened?"

"Matt and Karone got engaged!"


"And I'm here in Angel Grove."

"You're here? When did you arrive?"

"An hour ago. I'm staying at the Hotel Grove."

"It's getting late so I have to get some sleep, but we can meet up tomorrow after school."


"Meet me at the Surf Spot when school ends."

The two hung up and got ready for bed. Dillon did his entire research paper in about five minutes. He didn't really care about the class. If his dads knew that he didn't try, they might take away his morpher.

Before Dillon could sleep, he thought about TK. How was he going to explain his boyfriend to his dad? He didn't know if his dad will accept his sexuality. Why wouldn't he? Both his dads are gay, well Chase is bisexual, but they both should accept their son. Dillon let the topic go away and he went to sleep.

The next day, Dillon was nervous the whole time that he was at school. He could barley focus on learning and kept thinking about meeting his daddy. He even blew off his teammates when it was time for them to hang out during lunch and their free period. TK couldn't get his boyfriend to stay focus or talk.

When school ended, TK was sad when Dillon wouldn't walk with him like they usually do. Dillon said that he was busy, then left his friends.

Dillon sat in a booth at the Surf Spot and ordered a smoothie. As he drunk his drink, he shook nervously and he saw his daddy walk in. Riley sat across from his son, then his smile turned to a frown.

"Dillon, what's wrong?" Riley asked.

"Nothing." Dillon said while scratching his eyebrow.

"That's a lie. You just scratched your eyebrow. You do that when you lie. Please tell me what's wrong."

"Daddy, I don't think I can tell you."

"Sure you can. No matter what you say, I will still love you. Your Papa and the rest of your family will still love you."

"Promise me that you won't hate me."

"I promise."

"I have a boyfriend."

"Dillon, that's amazing! What's his name?"

"His name is TK. You don't hate me for being gay?"

"Dillon, that's ridiculous that you would think that. I'm gay, your Papa is bisexual, why would we hate you?"

"I was stupid. I was thinking that you and Papa were the types of gays who didn't want their own child being gay."

"Me and Papa aren't like that. We love you no matter what."

"I think that he'll be upset because he really wanted to teach me how to get a girl."

"He'll just have to teach you to get a boy."

"He can't, I already have one."

"True. Tell me, does TK treat you right?"

"Of course he does. He's so sweet and takes care of me."

"Does he hurt you?"

"No! He will never harm me."

"Is he pressuring you into doing something that you're uncomfortable with?"

"No." Dillon said while scratching his eyebrow.

"He is! What is he wanting you to do?"

"I said that he is not pressuring me."

"You scratched your eyebrow while saying that. You're lying."

"Daddy, it's nothing."

"It must be something because you're lying about it."

"You'll just get mad."

"Dillon, I'm your father. I need to know what he is wanting you to do."

"Sex! Okay, he wants me to have sex with him. I'm not ready, but he is."

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Daddy, it's okay. He only brought up the discussion once, and he understood when I told him no. I can tell that he wants to ask again, but he's not saying anything because he knows it will make me uncomfortable. Sometimes, I feel like I have to do it with him so he'll be happy."

"Dillon, he's not a good boyfriend if he is making you feel pressured into sex."

"He isn't really pressuring me, I think it's my own mind making me feel that way."

"Dillon, if you feel like that he's taking advantage of you, break up with him and call me."

"Daddy, he's so wonderful and amazing. He only brought up the topic in the first week of us dating. Its been a little over a month and he hasn't once showed any signs of wanting sex. Now that I think about it, I think he forgot."

"Don't be sure about that. Teenage guys mainly want sex, and they'll do anything to get some. Be careful. And if you decide that you're ready, use protection."

"Daddy! I will, I promise."

The two left the hangout spot and went walking through the park. The trees in the park were big and magnificent. The fountain had clear water that held swimming fish.

Dillon and Riley walked and continued talking. This time, they talked about ranger duties and how tough it is to fight a monster. The two bought ice cream and ate it as they finished walking around the park.

Riley revealed that he was heading back to Amber Beach. Dillon hugged his daddy goodbye and went back to Dr. Oliver's house.

When Dillon laid on his bed ready to sleep, he had an idea. He pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He opened the messages app and texted TK.

TK, I'm ready to lose my virginity to you. - Dillon

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