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"You are not leaving." Chase told his now teenage son.

Dillon recently turned into a sixteen year old after a green glow changed him and made him a ranger. He found out that there are others on his team, and he wants to find them.

"Why not?" Dillon asked.

"Because you just got your powers, which you don't know much about. And you just turned into a teenager, with no knowledge of the world. You can search for your team later, but I want you to stay here for a while until you get used to your new life." Explained Riley.

"Fine. Have it your way."

"Don't get an attitude with me."

"I'm not having an attitude."

"What is it then?"

"It's called being a teenager."

"I don't care what you call it, it's still disrespectful."

"It doesn't matter anyway, you and Chase aren't my real parents." Dillon said harshly.

Dillon's words felt like a dagger to the heart. He was such a sweet child, but now he turned bad. He was raised by Chase and Riley to be nice and to never misbehave, but it seems like their work meant nothing. Without thinking, Chase punched Dillon in the face.

"Chase!" Riley yelled. "Why did you do that?"

"You heard him. He shouldn't have said that." Chase replied.

"That's not an excuse to punch our child."

"According to him, he's not our child. He's not a child anymore, he's a teenager."

"I don't care if he changed ages, he is still our son."

Dillon stood in his place watching the two argue. He had a slight bruise on his right check, but it was barely visible. While the others weren't noticing, he made his way to the door.

"Where are you going?" Chase asked.

"Somewhere." Replied Dillon.

"Tell me where, Dillon."

"To visit my real parents in jail." Dillon answered and walked out.

Halfway to the jailhouse, Dillon had mixed thoughts of seeing his real parents. The major thing that concerned him was the sudden age change. He had no idea what to do about explaining his new look.

Then there was the thought about Chase and Riley. He had treated them like garbage, and was thinking that they must absolutely hate him. During his thinking, he heard footsteps running in his direction.

"Wait!" Said a voice with an accent. Dillon turned around and saw that it was Chase. Riley was right beside him.

"You two came? I thought you hated me and didn't want me." Dillon said with tears.

"Don't cry, it makes us sad when you cry. Why would you think that we hate you and don't want you?" Asked Riley.

"Because of what I said."

"Dillon, we could never hate you, we've said so at least a thousand times. We also want you with us, because you are our son, we love you with all our hearts. We know you only said those things because you were scared of your change. You and I both know that you'll return to your kind nature when you adjust to your new life."

"Thanks for saying that. I love both of you more than anything."

The three hugged and Dillon cried. He apologized more than ever, and Chase and Riley accepted each one.

"What are you planning on doing now?" Chase asked.

"I still want to visit my biological parents." The teen answered.

"You sure you want to do that?"

"Positive. If you two come with me."

"We promise. We'll stand away so they don't recognize us."

Once the trio arrived at the jailhouse, a guard escorted them into the area were they could talk to prisoners. Chase and Riley backed away to a corner of the room and gave a supportive nod to Dillon. Dillon sat in the chair and saw a guard on the other side bring his father out. The older man sat down and the two picked up the telephone on each of their sides.

"Who are you?" The older asked.

"I'm someone who's close to your son, really close."

"What about Dillon do you know? What do you want from me?"

"Dillon told me everything that you and his mother did to him. I want to know why you did what you did, and how you could live with yourself."

"It's none of your business."

"Yes it is. Just tell me, then I'll leave you alone and you'll never see me again."

"I wanted a daughter. When Dillon came into my life, I was upset. I began drinking and it made me violent. I took my anger out on him because he couldn't do anything to stop me. Even when I wasn't angry of drunk, I would still violate him. I was upset at first, but I adjusted and got used to it and didn't feel anything."

"You're a horrible father."

"At least I'm not a fag like the men Dillon is being raised by."

"Don't call them that!"

"I can say whatever I want. Besides, why do you care?"

"I just do. They're people too, they're even better than you."

"How would you know?"

"It's just a feeling. No one could be as bad as you were."

"I don't care what you think, just leave."

"One final question, where's his mom?"

"She's in a woman's prison."

"That's all I need. While you're locked up, think about what you could've had. Think about all the mistakes you've made. You'll be haunted by your past, and won't be able to handle your future. I'll never see you again."

After that, the two put back the telephones. A guard escorted Dillon's father back into the cells. Dillon went to his daddies and gave them a long hug.

"It's okay. You settled things with him and it's over now. Let's head home." Suggested Riley.

On the way back home, Dillon's morpher beeped and pulled up a map. The guys looked and saw that a point on the map was located.

"What does that mean?" Chase asked.

"I know." Dillon answered.


"That I can find my first teammate in Angel Grove."

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