Secrets Revealed

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Far away in space, there was a planet most people don't know about. It's name is Mirinoi. Mirinoi is a jungle planet that once held the powerful Quasar Sabers. The sabers were removed by five people who became warriors to guard them with their life. The sabers gave the warriors powers and made them Power Rangers. Their mission was to defeat the evil that threatened the people of the galaxy. One day, one of the rangers sacrificed herself to save the people she loved. Her power went to another warrior, one named Karone.

Karone moved to Earth after her mission was done. She still has the power to morph, but has no reason to. She is currently living in a town called Amber Beach with her boyfriend. She refuses to tell people the truth about her past.

Karone grew up on a planet called KO-35. Her and her brother, Andros, would play around around with their telekinesis powers. She was kidnapped by Darkonda, a monster dedicated to evil, and was brainwashed into being the ruler of darkness. Her new life was made to destroy anyone who would not andy her orders. She was renamed Astronema, and her main goal was to destroy the Space Power Rangers.

The Space Rangers consisted of six heroes bond to protect the innocent. One of the heroes was Andros, who was the red Space Ranger. He later figured out that Astronema was really Karone, and he tried to bring her back to normal. Once Karone was back to normal, she and Andros lived together with Andros's girlfriend, Ashley, the yellow Space Ranger.

Karone moved to Angel Grove after Andros and Ashley got married and had son. She wanted her own husband and child, and that's when she met Matt. She was hesitant to leave Ange Grove, but she agreed once she realized that she was in love with Matt.

Once she found out she was pregnant with Matt's child, she thought her life was complete. After moving in with him, she found her second family. This family included Matt, His brother Riley, Riley's boyfriend Chase, and Riley and Chase's adopted son, Dillon.

This family is currently in the Amber Beach park. Dillon and Riley are in the sandbox, Chase was riding his skateboard throughout the park, and Karone and Matt are next to each other on a bench. Matt put his arm around behind Karone and pulled her close.

"Matt, I love you." Karone said.

"I love you more. But why are you bringing that up now?"

"Because I just have a lot of love."

Suddenly a loud noise was heard. It was Dillon crying and screaming. Chase stopped boarding and rushed to his son. Apparently, sand got into Dillon's eyes. After washing the sand out, Dillon was still upset and wanted to go home.

Once home, Dillon took his nap and Riley went around the house gathering laundry. Each adult had to take turns each week with the various chores.

When Riley was downstairs in Karone and Matt's room, the two were asleep. Riley carefully gathered the clothing and put them in the basket. He noticed clothes hanging over Karone's suitcase and he decided to get them too.

While in the process of picking up the clothes, the front of the suitcase opened. It seemed pretty empty, except for a small wrist device and a strange kind of sword, which featured a symbol of a cat.

The next thing Riley knew was someone gasp from behind. He turned around and saw Karone standing still with a shocked look.

"What are these?" Riley asked.

"Those are powerful devices. You need to put those down, now."


"Because they have strong power."

"Why do you have these? What do they do?"

"They were given to me from a friend. They have the power to turn me into a Power Ranger and fight evil." Karone explained.

"I don't believe you."

"Then hand me the transmorpher."

"The what?" Asked Riley.

"The wrist device." She was then handed her morpher. She put it on her wrist and turned the dial to the pink section. "Go Galactic!" She pushed the button and morphed into the Pink Galaxy Ranger.

"You're a ranger too?" Riley asked. "Your suit is different from mine."

"You mean that your a ranger?" Karone asked.

"Yes. I'm the green ranger of my team. Chase is the black."

"You and Chase? I wouldn't imagine you being a ranger."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


Matt woke up and saw the two people standing in his room. "What's going on? Riley, who is that?" Matt asked.

"This is Karone. She is a Power Ranger, and so is Chase and I." Riley explained.

"Why haven't I been told?"

"It's the number one rule. It's that we're not allowed to tell anyone."

"I want to be one."

"It's not that simple. Me and Chase didn't chose to become rangers, the powers chose us. I don't know how Karone and her team got their powers."

Karone spoke up. "I got my powers from the first pink ranger of the Galaxy Rangers. She and her team acquired the powers from pulling the Quasar Sabers from a stone on the planet Mirinoi. Not anyone could pull the sabers, the sabers had to think that you were worthy. This is my ranger form."

"What happened to the first pink?" Matt asked.

"She sacrificed herself to save the people she loved. Her spirit came back and gave me her powers. She must have thought I was the perfect replacement, and I was."

"That's sad about what she did, but she did well. But I can't think straight right now with you in that suit."

"Power down." Karone said and demorphed.

"So, who else is a ranger?"

"Tyler, Shelby, Koda, Mrs. Morgan, Ivan, and Prince Phillip III. You haven't met Phillip yet." Riley said.

"There's five other members on my team." Commented Karone. "But my team is no longer active since we finished our mission. We kept our powers just in case something happens."

"You could help my team. We have a new threat after we defeated Sledge, and we need as much help as we can get. You could contact the rest of your team to help."

"That's a good idea. I could get you my team and my brother's team. He's the leader of the Space Rangers."

"That's awesome! With three teams, Heckyl and Snide will be done for."

"Hold up!" Matt yelled. "So you're saying that there are multiple ranger teams?"

"Yes. In fact, there are rangers all around." Karone stated.

"When does Heckyl and Snide attack?"

"Usually at night. That's why Chase and I have been tired lately." Answered Riley. "But they have been stopping. I think they're planning a major attack."

"No matter what, you have people backing you up." Reassured Karone.

The three continued talking about Power Rangers until they all became tired. They all soon went to bed, Riley went after he finished laundry. On his way back to his room, Riley checked up on Dillon. Dillon was in his crib sleeping. Once the door was closed, Dillon gave off a green glow around his body.

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