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It had been two weeks since Dillon was adopted by Chase and Riley. Dillon had opened up to them some more and has more trust in the two. Dillon usually doesn't talk in fear that he might upset his new daddies.

Dillon was currently in his playroom building a tower with his blocks. He was treating this tower like it was the most important thing in the entire world. His eyes were squintted and he glared hard at the tower like he was using superpowers to try to keep it from falling.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Chase sat at the table while Riley was making lunch. Riley was almost finished when he noticed the time.

"I'm going to get Dillon so he can eat. He must be hungry by now, it's past his usual lunch time." Riley said and headed toward the playroom.

When Riley got in the doorway of the playroom, a smile broke out on his face. He saw his lovely son playing like he had no care in the word. He pulled out his phone and quickly took a picture. He then put his phone up and went over and squatted next to his child.

"Hey buddy, I know that you're into the toys, but you need to stop playing so you can eat." Riley told him in a calm tone.

"No!" Dillon said while still playing.

Riley was beyond words to say. He couldn't believe that his sweet child said no, he has never disobeyed before.

"Dillon, please come eat." Riley tried again.

"No! Go away!" Dillon yelled at his daddy.

"Dillon! I don't know why you're acting like this, but it needs to stop." When Dillon didn't stop playing, Riley just went back to Chase.

"Where's Dillon?" Asked Chase.

"Still in the playroom."

"Why isn't he here?"

"Because he refused to come. He even told me no and yelled."

"He did? That's unlike him." Chase said shockingly because he knew Dillon was never like that.

"I don't know what to do."

"Let's just go back to him and try to calm him down." Both parents went to the playroom and saw Dillon still building a tower.

Chase bent down and said,"Baby, listen to me. I don't know what has gotten into you, but you can't yell at daddy."

"Go away!" Yelled Dillon.

"Dillon, we do not yell. You need to listen to us and go eat your lunch. You're probably acting this way because you might be hungry." Riley told the child.

"No. Me play." Dillon yelled again. Chase was fed up with his attitude. He tried picking him up, but he accidentally knocked over the tower.

At the sight of the blocks all over the floor, Dillon got teared up and began screaming louder. "I hate you, Papa! Why you no leave me alone! Go away!" Dillon was furious right now and didn't want anyone around. When Riley tried reaching for him, Dillon threw a block at his head. Since it was a foam block it didn't hurt, but that was a terrible choice to do.

"Dillon! We do not throw things." Chase raised his voice for the first time. Chase picked Dillon up and brought him to the living room couch. Chase sat down, bent Dillon over his knee, and began to spank him. He spanked harder than he ment.

"Chase, that's enough." Riley said as he ran over to stop his boyfriend. Chase stopped and Dillon ran away from him and hid underneath the kitchen table.

The couple went into the kitchen and bent down to where they can see Dillon. "Baby please come out, I'm sorry. I know I spanked you a little hard, but you shouldn't have thrown blocks." Chase said.

"I'm sorry, daddies. I love you. Do you hate me?" Dillon sobbed to his fathers.

Riley was most affected by what his son said. "Dillon, we would never hate you, we love you too much."

Dillon soon crawled out of his spot and went into Riley's arms. "I sorry I threw block at you." Dillon then lent over letting Chase know that he want to be held by him. Dillon was immediately put into Chase's hands. "Do you love me, Papa?"

"Of course I do. Do you understand why I had to spank you?" Dillon nodded. "Remember, whenever you do something bad, you will get punished." Dillon nodded again. "Ok. I think it's time to eat."

The family ate lunch and Dillon was put in a nap in his room after he ate. The rest of the day was normal and Dillon went back to his usual happy self.

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