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The following morning, Dillon did his daily routine. Shower first, hope Layla doesn't see him while he walks back to his room, get dressed, brush teeth, deodorant, and eat breakfast before leaving for school. This routine was his habit, and didn't want to change a single part.

While Dillon was walking to his first class of the day, TK came up to his boyfriend. He pulled Dillon to a corner and had a confused look.

"Did you really mean it?" TK asked.


"The text you sent me last night. Do you really want to have sex with me?"

"I do, I'm ready."

"You sure? I don't want you to feel like that you're pressured."

"TK, as long as I'm with you, I'm okay." Dillon said and kissed TK.

Across the hallway, Aaron heard the whole conversation. He was angry that TK had Dillon, and now he's even more mad because the two of them are going to sleep together. Aaron couldn't hold his anger, so he punched a locker. Luckily, no one noticed.

After the first class of the day was finished, Dillon's morpher beeped. Dillon went to an empty area and noticed his morpher had added a new button. This was apparently  a teleport button.

Along with the new feature, a messaged showed. Before Dillon could read it, his teammates came along and told him they all got the new button.

"What does this mean?" Layla asked.

"It means that we don't have to bother your dad into driving us everywhere." Dillon said.

"What about the message?" Aaron commented.

"It says that we have to travel to a place called the Animarium."

"How will we get there?"

"With the new teleport button."

The rangers nodded and pushed the new button. They were immediately sent to a island location. They walked around until they arrived to what looked like a meeting area made of stone.

The area had a fountain, a rock couch, table, and had a kitchen to the side. Behind them, a large statue of five animals stood. The four Rail Rangers were shocked at what they saw, but lost it when a woman pointed a blaster at them.

"Who are you four, and how did all of you get here?" She asked.

"Ma'am, we don't mean any harm. Me and my team came up here because we're looking for someone." Dillon replied.

"What do you mean by team? How do you even know about this place?"

"Me and my friends are Power Rangers." Dillon held up his morpher. "This is our morpher. We got a message from it saying that we needed to come here. We hope one our our teammates is one this island."

"Prove that you're rangers."

The four morphed and the woman was amazed. She put the blaster down and led the Rail Rangers to another location of the island.

This new location looked like a living are where people could stay at. She led them inside a building and the rangers saw a man and a teen girl.

"Rangers, these two are my husband and daughter. The three of us are rangers." The woman said.

"Is the girl our teammate?" TK asked.

"Yes. She's your yellow ranger."

"What's your name?"

"Taylor Earhardt, the yellow Wild Force Ranger."

"I'm Eric Myers, the Quantum Ranger, member of the Time Force Rangers." The man said.

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