No Broken Hearts

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A heart is supposedly a symbol of love and well built, but one heart is shattered into a million pieces. Hearts are meant to make people happy, but one heart is causing pain.

I'm a dark room, a boy laid on a bed with his eyes closed. He was trying to keep the tears in, but sadly, it wasn't working. His tears escaped his eyes and ran all the way down his face.

This boy is Dillon Randall-Griffin. His heart was recently broke by his true love, well, his once true love. His heart shattered throughout his body and is causing him to cry.

As he looked up at his bedroom ceiling, the fan attached was turned on. It turned slowly, but had just enough speed to cause a breeze.

The breeze made its way to Dillon and caused his hair to move from one side of his face to the other. He ignored it and pulled a blanket over his entire body.

Meanwhile, his fathers were downstairs pacing around the living room. Ever since their son ran up to his room, the two of them stayed down and tried discussing what to say to their teenage son. Neither one of them knew the reason why their son was like this, and neither could think of anything to say.

Riley stayed calm and tried thinking as to why Dillon was upset, but his mind was completely blank. He ran every situation in his mind, but not a single one seemed reasonable as to why Dillon is in his current situation. Even though he wanted to help is distraught child, he felt useless.

Chase, on the other hand, got angry. He was sure that someone had hurt his son, and he was determined to find out who. He had his right hand in a fist and slammed it down on a side table.

The bang startled Riley, which caused him to face his fiancé. Riley had fear on his face, only because he had never seen Chase so angry before. Chase looked like he was about to explode all over the room.

"Chase, baby, what's wrong?" Riley asked gently as he walked over and placed a hand on Chase's shoulder.

Chase looked at the hand on his shoulder and carefully grabbed it. He turned to face Riley. The two stared into each other's eyes as Chase started to ease up on the anger.

"You know what's wrong." Stated Chase as softly as he could. "Our sixteen year old son is up in his room crying as hard as he can. And there is nothing we could do because we don't know what's going on with him."

Chase began to sob a little. Riley pulled him closer and started to rub his hair. Chase had always loved when Riley would run his hand through his hair to try to calm him.

"There's something that we could do." Said Riley as he pulled back from their embrace. "We could go upstairs and talk to our son. He might need someone to talk to."

"What if he doesn't want us up there right now?"

"Trust me, an upset teenager always wants someone to care for them."

Chase and Riley slowly made their way to the staircase. The pair took the first step, and they slowly made their way up.

With each step they took, the ground felt like it was shaking. The closer they got to the top, the longer it felt to reach the final step. When they finally reached the top, they slowly made their way to Dillon's room.

Riley stood in front of Dillon's bedroom door with a calm look on his face. He raised his hand, but didn't knock. He faced Chase for reassurance. When Chase nodded, Riley knocked on the door.

Seconds passed until the pair heard the son walk to the door. The door opened to show Dillon with the most depressed look.

"What do you two want?" Dillon asked. His voice was cracking, his eyes were red, tears were all over his face, and his clothes were all wrinkled.

"We came to talk to you," Chase said quietly. "But we mainly came to listen."

"We love you, Dillon." Said Riley. "We're your fathers, and we want to know what's going on."

Dillon quickly hugged both of his fathers and cried on their shoulders. He pulled them into his room and shut his door. He sat on the bed as Chase and Riley stood in front of him.

"What's bothering you?" Riley asked.

"Promise that neither of you would get angry?" Dillon asked.


"TK and I broke up."

Chase got angry again. "What! Why would he break up with you?"

"Actually, I broke up with him."

"Why? The two of you are perfect for each other."

"He said some hateful things to me. What he said really left a mental scar. I had to break up with him because I didn't want to be with someone who would say those hurtful comments to me." Dillon stated as a tear rolled down his face.

His fathers sat beside him and gave him a big hug. They knew what their son was going through, and they knew that the only thing to do is wait.

Chase turned Dillon's head so he could tell something to him. "Dillon, listen to what I'm about to say. No broken hearts. That's a phrase my mother kept telling my sister and I while we were growing up. She said that phrase whenever Chloe or I would get upset over my dad leaving us. Even though I needed time with my healing heart, that phrase helped a lot. What also helped was the fact that I had her to help me along the way. You have Daddy and I to help you through this tough time."

"Thanks." Dillon said. "If you two don't mind, I would like to sleep."

His fathers walked out of his room and quietly shit the door. When they reached downstairs, they went to the kitchen.

"There's one problem with the two of the breaking up." Riley stated.

"What would that be?" Asked Chase.

"Their both Rail Rangers. They fight on the same team, so they'll have to see each other and work together."

"I didn't think of that."

"What will they do?"

"They'll either have to handle things maturely and work together as teammates and be friends, or make up and get back together."


"Well, those are the two options."

"Either way, they'll have to make up their minds sooner or later."

With that, the two kissed and went to their room. They knew that their son needed space and time to feel better. But they all need to know one thing: no broken hearts.

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