Space Meets South

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Matt woke up at his usual time and got dressed. He followed the same routine everyday. He would first wake up, get dressed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, and then do whatever needs to be done that day.

When Matt walked up the stairs, he saw Chase and Riley kissing passionately on the couch. Matt would never admit it, but he was jealous of the two of them. He wanted someone to do that with.

"Shouldn't you two be in your own room and do that?" Matt said more harsh than he attended.

"What's gotten into you?" Asked Chase.


"Matt, I know you. Something's wrong." Riley said.

"Fine. I'm kind of jealous of you two. Both of you are in love with each other, you have each other together. I don't have anything I can do romantic activities with."

"Why don't you go out and get a girl, or guy?" Asked Chase as he tried to figure out Matt's sexuality.

"I definitely want a girl. No offense, but I don't roll like that."

"It's fine. We don't find it offensive. And we know you accept us."

Later that day, Matt and Dillon were in the playroom building a block tower. Dillon put his block on the top and Matt picked up more.

"Dillon, I'm going to be going somewhere soon. So we need to clean up in a little while." Matt told the child.

"Where you go?"



"On a date."

"With who?"

"I don't know yet."

"Why you no know?"

"Because I plan on meeting her there."

"Can I go?"

"No, Dillon. This is just for me." Matt said and it brought Dillon to tears.

"I wanna go. Why I no go?"

"Because Uncle Matt wants to find someone to be with."

"You be with me."

"Not like that. I'll only be gone a few hours."

"That long."

"I know, but daddies will be here."


Matt drove to a couple of towns over to meet someone. He already knew most of the girls in Amber Beach, and can only consider them friends. He then reached Angel Grove.

Angel Grove looks like the perfect town. Flowers grew everywhere, peaceful surroundings, and nice people. It seems like nothing bad has ever happened here.

Matt arrived at a place called Surf Spot. He walked in and saw a sign with the owner, Adelle, pictured. He walks to a booth and sat there.

Across the room, a blonde woman was at the jukebox. She wore all black and a pink headband. She noticed Matt sitting alone and went over to him.

"Hey, what's a handsome guy like you doing all alone?" She asked.

"I'm just trying to find a date. I came here to look for a girlfriend, but I'm not good with talking."

"You're talking to me right now. How about I order us some food and we get to know each other?"


After an hour of talking and eating, Matt was in love with this woman. He loves how her eyes sparkle and how her hair flowed. He then noticed something she was wearing.

"I like your locket." Matt said.

"Thanks. Inside it are pictures of me and my brother as kids."

"You never told me anything about your childhood. How come?"

"It's something I really don't like talking about."

"You can tell me. I won't judge you."

"I was kidnapped when I was a little girl. I was playing with my brother when some strange person grabbed me. I was raised from that point to be evil. I was brainwashed to destroy everything and everyone that got in my way. I then fought my brother, which I didn't recognize. Luckily, he realized who I was and tried to save me. He did save me. I was turned back to normal and I went to live with him and his girlfriend." She sobbed during her story.

"Listen, it's all fine now. You have your brother back and that's what matters."

"Matt, I love you. I know we met only a short time ago, but I feel a connection."

"There's something I haven't told you. I don't live in Angel Grove. I live a few towns over in Amber Beach."

"That's great! I have friends that moved there. They'll be happy to let me move in with them."

"Awesome! We can be together." Matt said cheerfully. Then he thought about something. "There's something else I need to tell you, just to make sure I can be with you. I live with my brother and his boyfriend. They also have a son."

"So your brother is gay?" She asked.

"Yes. Do you accept it?"

"Of course I do."

"One thing, what's your name? I totally forgot to ask you that earlier."


"Cool name. I've never heard of anyone with a name like that."

The two kissed and left. They made a quick stop at Karone's house to pack her backs. Once all her stuff was in the car, they headed toward Amber Beach.

Once the pair reached Matt's place, they saw Chase and Riley on the couch and Dillon playing with his cars. Dillon saw and immediately ran over to him.

"Uncle Matt! You home." The child shouted excitedly. He gave the man a hug and then noticed Karone. "Who she?"

"Dillon, this is Karone. She is my new girlfriend."

"Okay." Dillon went back to his cars.

Later that night, Chase and Riley were still in the couch and Dillon was next to them. Dillon looked up at Riley.

"Daddy, why Uncle Matt got a girl?"

"Because he likes her a lot."

"Why you have no girl?"

"Because I have Papa."

"Would you have girl if you had no Papa?"

"No, I wouldn't."


"Because I don't want a girl."


Chase thought it was his turn to talk. "Dillon, please stop with the questions. I know you want to know about that, but that is a topic for when you're older. Now, I think it's your bedtime."

Dillon was tucked into bed and got kissed goodnight. Chase and Riley looked at each other with the same look. They both knew they had to tell Dillon what it meant to be gay, but not now.

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