Morning After

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Dillon and TK laid next to each other as they watched the sun rise through the window. Both boys had no clothing on, and were cuddled next to each other. Dillon couldn't believe that he and his boyfriend had sex for the first time.

TK, on the other hand, had been waiting for this to happen. He would wait patiently for Dillon to say something, but it took longer than expected. TK didn't mind waiting, in fact, he respected his boyfriend even more for waiting.

Dillon turned to face TK, and found out that he was awake. Both of them looked under the covers and noticed that they were still naked. Before they could do anything, Clay walked in.

"What do we have here?" Said Clay as he stared at the couple.

"I can explain." Dillon said as he threw on a shirt. "TK and I felt the love on Valentine's Day, and we wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Please don't tell anyone, especially our parents."

"Why shouldn't I tell both of your parents?"

"Because they tend to overreact to this kind of thing."

"I promise not to tell them, only if you tell them first."

"We can't. Telling them will only make them mad."

"It's either you tell, or I will."

"Fine. But give us time."

Clay walked out of the room, leaving TK and Dillon in fear. Neither one of them would have ever thought of telling their parents anything about their relationship.

"What are we going to do?" TK asked.

"We're going to tell our parents." Dillon said with a frown.

"But when?"

"I guess you can go teleport to your parents and talk to them, and I'll wait for mine to get home. I just don't know what they'll do."

"Dillon, I bet they will understand."

"I hope you're right."

TK got out of the bed and began getting dressed. As he put on his clothes, he thought about his future with Dillon. He loved spending time with the green ranger, and wanted that to keep happening. He even bought an engagement ring to propose when the time is right.

When TK teleported out, Dillon was left alone. Fear of rejection from his parents went through his mind. He tried thinking of how the scene of telling his parents will turn out, but each thought ended badly. He knew his parents might accept his decision, but he only thought about the bad outcomes.

About an hour later, Dillon heard the front door open then close. He also heard the voices of his daddies ring throughout the house. He knew that this was the best opportunity to tell his parents.

As Dillon reached the top step of the stairs, he looked down and saw his dads happily making lunch. He didn't want to possibly ruin their happy spirit, but if he didn't say anything he knew Clay will.

When Dillon took the first step down the stairs, it felt like an earthquake was happening. He knew that it was all of his imagination, but the mind can make anything seem real. What was real was the sweat coming through his forehead.

The walk down the stairs felt like a lifetime to make. With each step, more sweat came out. Dillon's fingers were shaking and he had a hard time breathing. Once he made it to the bottom floor, his daddies noticed him.

"Dillon, come here and eat." Stated Riley.

As the family sat around the table to eat lunch, Chase and Riley noticed Dillon shaking. The two also saw how their son wouldn't eat, even though they made his favorite. Riley was concerned, which made Chase ready to say something.

"Dillon, what's wrong?" Asked Chase.

"Nothing." Dillon said as he scratched his eyebrow.

"You're lying. Please just say the truth, we promise we won't get mad."

"You will get mad. I'm scared of how you two will react."

"Nothing that you will say will make us angry at you. Please, just tell us."

Dillon was hesitant about telling his secret. Underneath the table, his hands were shaking uncontrollably. He tapped his feet on the ground in nervousness. The sweat wasn't going away anytime soon.

"Daddy, Papa, last night I did something." Dillon started to say as his voice cracked.

"Did you do drugs?" Asked Riley as he got a little angry.

"No! I would never do drugs."

"Then what did you do?"

"I had sex with TK last night."

Chase and Riley just stared at each other with no emotion on their faces. Dillon got even more worried with what they might say. Just then, Chase and Riley turned to face Dillon with happy faces.

"We're glad you told us." Chase said.

"Why?" Asked a confused Dillon.

"Because, if you hadn't, you could've damaged yourself on the inside."

"Neither one of you are angry at me?"

"Of course not." Interjected Riley. "We're your parents, and we're happy that you've told us. I have one thing that I have to ask. Did you do it with TK?"

"Of course I did." Dillon said in disbelief that his Daddy would think that he would cheat.

"I have a question." Stated Chase. "Did either you or TK use a condom?"

Dillon blushed at that question. He knew what the answers was, but didn't want to say anything. His parents were waiting on an answer from him.

"No, we didn't." Dillon said as his voice went softer.

"That's fine." Chase said.

"It is?"

"Of course. It was your decision not to use one, and I hope you use one next time."

"You expect a next time between TK and I?"

"Well, the two of you are in love. Why wouldn't their be a next time?"

"Thanks for being supportive." Dillon said and then went to hug his parents.

When Dillon made his way up the stairs, the journey was more peaceful. The shaking had at stopped, the sweat was gone, and his breathing returned to normal. He felt the weight come off of his shoulders.

When Dillon went inside his room, he laid on the bed. He was almost asleep when he saw TK teleport in.

"How did it go?" Dillon asked.

"My parents were mad when I didn't wait until marriage, but they got over it. They respected my choice and they still love me." TK explained as he hugged Dillon.

"My dads were calm and accepting. They said we need to use a condom next time."

"I can't believe they said that."

The couple kissed and TK left the room to go to the boy house. Dillon was left on the bed when he saw a little black box on his floor. He picked up the box and examined it closely. No labels were on it, but he didn't want to open it.

Dillon came to the conclusion that TK must've dropped it when he was leaving. He decided that the best thing to do was to return it to TK.

As Dillon was walking out of his bedroom door, the box flipped open. He looked down and saw that an expensive ring was inside. Thoughts about what the ring was for ran through his mind. He decided just to teleport the box to TK.

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