Love is Everything

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Dillon woke up to the sight of a naked Clay. Clay had his bare backside to Dillon, which he had no idea that the green ranger was awake. Clay was about to turn around, which made Dillon lay back down. Good thing that Clay didn't notice Dillon staring.

When Dillon heard Clay put on a shirt, he opened his eyes. Clay was now fully dressed in red and white clothes. Dillon got out of bed and stood in front of his friend.

"Why aren't you in your color?" Dillon asked.

"It's Valentine's Day. I thought of mixing things up and wear the appropriate colors. Now, let's meet the others."

The two went downstairs and saw the other Rail Rangers and Buster Rangers. Luna had came the previous night and decided to live in the girl house.

When TK saw Dillon and Clay next to each other, he became a little jealous. Dillon noticed his boyfriend's mood, and pulled him to the side.

"What's wrong?" Dillon asked.

"It's just seeing you next to Clay." TK replied.

"That's it?"

"No. I'm a little worried about the two of you sharing a room. I don't know what's going on when you two are alone."

"Baby, relax. Nothing is happening between Clay and I. I've only seen him fully naked once."


"Calm down, it was nothing. I woke up to him changing, but he didn't notice. I promise that I didn't get hard."

"Okay, as long as you don't have feelings for him. Anyway, do you know what today is?"

"Of course I do, it's Valentine's Day."

"That's right, and I have something special planned for tonight."

"You do? I can't wait." The two kissed and joined the others. The group decided to visit the park.

The park was decorated with red and pink everything. Lights, flowers, balloons, the fountain water, and ribbons were around and colored with the holiday colors. TK and Dillon walked together while holding hands.

Across the town, Chase and Riley were at the mall. Chase carried multiple bags, and Riley had his arms around Chase's waist.

"Baby, what do you think Dillon is doing?" Riley asked Chase.

"Probably hanging out with his friends. More than likely, his attention is more on TK."

"That's what I'm concerned about. I'm worried that he's going to give everything to TK, and TK might break his heart."

"Riley, TK will never hurt our son."

"What if the two of them decide to, you know, get a little frisky on the bedroom?"

"I hope they don't do that until later on in their relationship. If they chose to get active, I hope they use protection."

"What if they do it tonight?"

"It's their decision to make. We have to let them chose their own paths and whatever happens, happens. Dillon will talk to us if he needs information, but for now, we have to give him his privacy."

"Chase, I love you."

Back at the park, Dillon and TK watched their friends play football. Sports were neither of their things. TK's parents were always active sport players, but it must've not rubbed off onto him.

Dillon knew his Papa loved being active, especially on a skateboard. Every time Dillon would attempt to learn how to skate, he would give up because he didn't enjoy skating.

TK turned to face his boyfriend. He loved spending all of his time with Dillon, even if sometimes others were around. He couldn't wait until night for his plan.

"Come on, Dillon." TK said as he stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"To my special plan I've made for us." He helped Dillon up and the two walked away.

TK led Dillon to an upscale restaurant that all the rich people can afford. Dillon's mouth hung wide open and he rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw the place correctly. He knew that neither one of them could have the money to eat here.

"TK, what are we doing here?"

"This is my special plan."

"We can't afford this place."

"I can. I saved up for a romantic evening with you."

The couple waited for their table to be ready. A waiter escorted them to their table and they saw how decorated it was. The table had candles, rose pedals, and little hearts around.

Dillon and TK ordered their meal and waited. They looked around and saw multiple couples in the restaurant, all of them were a straight couple. Dillon became tense, which TK noticed.

"What's wrong?" TK asked.

"I feel a little uncomfortable."

"How come?"

"We're the only gay couple in this place. I feel a little out of place. What if the people say hurtful things and make us leave?"

"Dillon, nothing will happen. We have every right to be here. I brought you here to show you how much I love you, and we're going to enjoy our time."

When the food came, the couple ate and stayed quiet. Dillon noticed a few people stare at them, but TK reassured him to stay positive. When Dillon heard some people say hateful slurs, tears came pouring out. At this sight, TK payed for the meal and he escorted Dillon out of the restaurant.

"Baby, everything is alright, don't listen to anything that those people said. They're just jealous of the love you and I have." TK said as he tried to calm his boyfriend.

"TK, do you love me?"

"Of course I do. What would make you think that I don't?"

"I was just making sure you do. I want to do something with you that I've never done before."

Meanwhile, Chase and Riley were at the beach. The two walked together while holding hands. Chase has one hand in his pocket, which holds something important.

"Riley, I need to say something." Chase said.

"What is it?"

"Ever since I saw you, I fell deeply in love. I know I was always known as the womanizer, but I only flirted with those girls because I was insecure about who I really am. When you came out to the group, I thought I might have a chance. After a while of thinking, I finally worked up the courage to ask you out. Ever since that first date, we both knew we were meant for each other. When we adopted Dillon, I was scared about how well we were at parenting. I wore a brave face, but after a while, I enjoyed the child. Then when he turned to a teenager, I became prouder of the decision we made. Riley, I love you and every choice we made. And I'm about to love the choice I'm about to make." Chase said and got down on one knee and pulled out a small box.

"Chase, what are you doing?"

"Riley Michael Randall-Griffin, will you make me the happiest kiwi in the world and marry me?" Chase opened the box to show a 24 karat ring.

"Of course I will." Riley cried as he accepted the proposal. Chase stood up and slid the ring onto Riley's finger. The happy couple kissed for what seemed like forever.

Back at the Randall-Griffin house, Dillon and TK stood in Dillon's room. Both boys seemed to be happy. TK walked closer to Dillon and held hands.

"You sure you want to do this?" TK asked.

"Yes. It's Valentine's Day, the day of love. I want to take our relationship to the next level." Dillon said as he undressed.

TK didn't want to say anything that could change Dillon's mind, so he took his clothes off. TK gently laid the two of them down on the bed and they had the time of their lives.

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