Spa and Tantrums

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Riley woke up this morning and noticed that Chase wasn't next to him like he usually is each morning. He missed how Chase would have his arms around his chest, him breathing on his neck, and the feel of a muscular body against him. Riley got out of the bed and got dressed.

As Riley threw his shirt on, he looked down and noticed rose petals on the floor. He followed the trail until he reached downstairs. He looked over and saw Chase sitting at the kitchen table talking on his phone.

"Yes, that time is good." Chase told the person on the phone. "Then it's set, we'll be there later."

"Who was that?" Riley asked.

Chase jumped up surprised. "Riley, I wasn't expecting you to be down here earlier than usual."

"That's because I woke up earlier. Now, who was that on the phone?"

"It's a surprise."

"Chase, please tell me."

"Fine. I planned a nice day at the spa just for the two of us. The rose petals were supposed to be romantic and lead you to an amazing breakfast. Too bad I didn't put it in the table yet." Chase turned and showed Riley the enormous amount of food Chase made.

"Chase, that's very sweet of you to plan all this, but I can't."


"It's Dillon."

"What about him?"

"He's never been away from either of us. I don't know what he would do if both of us leave for who knows how long."

"You know we have Matt here. He could babysit Dillon while we're gone. Besides, Dillon loves Matt."

"I know he does, but after a while of not having us around, Dillon might get extremely sad or mad and do something bad. And if he does, Matt wouldn't want to punish him."

"Riley, things will be fine. If something happens, Matt can just call us and we'll tell him what to do."

"I guess you're right."

Just before the couple was about to leave, a little house meeting was he'd in the living room. Matt was holding Dillon while Chase and Riley were getting everything ready.

"Matt, please take care of Dillon with your life. If anything happens to him, I'll be a total wreck." Riley said. He was making himself more stress, that's why they needed the spa day.

"Little bro, it's fine. I can handle him. If anything happens, I'll call." Matt reassured his brother.

Chase stepped forward. "Matt, if he does something bad, call us and we'll tell you how to handle things."

Matt nodded and turned to Dillon. "Buddy, how about me and you play in the play room?" Dillon nodded, but they could tell that he was sad.

"Daddy and Papa, why you leave? Did I do something bad?" Tears formed in Dillon's eyes.

"Dillon, you did nothing bad. Papa and I are just going somewhere for a few hours. We'll be back later. Have fun. And be nice to Uncle Matt." Riley said and then kissed his head.

Then Chase and Riley left the house. Dillon waved to them. Even though he was sad, he had to stay strong for his uncle.

About an hour later, Matt was helping Dillon build a block tower. Once Matt put one of his blocks on the top, he noticed Dillon sitting far away and looking sad.

"Dillon, what's wrong? I can help if you tell me."

"I miss daddies."

"I know you do, but I'm here. I'm sure we can have lots of fun."

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