Mystic Tears

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The four rangers ended up in Briarwood. They stood in front of a big tree that looked like it was dying. Across the street, a store named Rock Porium was visible.

"Welcome to Briarwood. I don't have enough time to give you three a tour. We have to head to Root Core." Nick said.

The rangers went deep into the woods. They passed various types of plants and strange people. Along the way, Nick explained his history as a ranger and the strangeness of the woods.

When the group reached Root Core, the out of town rangers were surprised to see what they saw. Root Core's entrance is a giant dragon head carved from a ginormous tree. The dragon's mouth opened, which allowed the rangers to enter.

Dillon, TK, and Clay looked around Root Core with amazement. They noticed a multiple potions and magical artifacts around the room. Dillon noticed a book laying on a podium and went to read it.

"Don't touch that!" Screamed a woman.

Dillon turned around and saw a woman who is very older than him. She wore an old white outfit that looked messed up. She put her hand in the air and the book flew to her.

"Who are you? And how did you do that?" Dillon asked.

"I'm Udonna, a very powerful sorceress. I'm also the white Mystic Ranger, and the mother of Nick. I'm the one who should be asking who you people are."

"I'm Dillon. The other two are TK and Clay. We're all rangers here to help because your son came to us."

"He shouldn't have done that, he knows better. It's true that we need help, but it's not the kind of help that you've thought. My son tends to over dramatize things. We need help with a child who has recently gained a certain ranger power."

"Who's the child?"

"The son of the green and yellow Mystic Rangers."

"His mom and dad must be proud."

"Our yellow and green are both boys."

"They are? Why didn't Nick tell us?"

"He must've forgotten. Anyway, the child acquired the powers a few short hours ago. He has yet to master them and I sent Nick out to find someone who could help. He must've figured you three were the best options. Let me call the other rangers."

As Udonna went to contact the other Mystic Rangers, Dillon felt joy inside. He was about to meet another child ranger with gay parents. The only thing he was worried about was how Clay would react.

Suddenly, the other Mystic Rangers entered. Madison, the blue, wore a mini blue dress and carried a camera. Vida, the pink, had headphones around her neck. Chip, the yellow, had on his cape. Xander, the green, rode his skateboard into the building. Behind them was a teenage boy wearing a gold shirt.

"It's nice to see other rangers. I have to record this." Madison said.

"Madison, please. Leave them alone. They can to help my son." Said Xander.

"I wish I had a child."

"You would need to find a boy first."

"I had one, but he broke up with me to be with my sister."

"Don't be upset about Nick dating Vida. All you did while you and him were together was videotape him."

"I was making a documentary. I needed all the footage I could get."

"Whatever." Xander said a little angry. As the two were having an argument, Dillon talked to Chip.

"You're dating your green ranger. That must be nice." Dillon said.

"Me and Xander are married. We adopted Willis when he was eight, and raised him as if he was biologically ours." Chip told Dillon.

"I have two dads. They adopted me when I was three, but I magically turned to a sixteen year old and became a green ranger."

"That must've been a lot. Turning sixteen, not about having two dads. I have to ask, can you look after Willis for me?"

"Sure, but why?"

"Because he's the gold Buster Ranger, and I know that his team is with you. And since that you also have two dads, I hope Willis will open up to you. Willis doesn't have any friends because of me and Xander, and he's all depressed and quiet. You seem to be great, and I really want him to see that a person with two dads can have friends."

"Chip, I promise that I'll make Willis feel like he had friends. He already has three."

"How does he have three?"

"Me, TK, and Clay. Clay is the blue Buster Ranger, and I'm sure he and Willis will bond."

"I hope you're right."

Later that day, Willis joined the rangers from Amber Beach at the front of a tree. He waved bye to his dads and stepped through the tree with the other three and ended up at Dillon's house.

TK went to the boy house, and Clay went to his and Dillon's room. Dillon took Willis and sat on his living room couch. Willis looked down and distant from Dillon.

"What's wrong?" Dillon asked.

"My dads." Replied Willis.

"How could Chip and Xander be the problem?"

"They're the reason I have no friends."

"Why would you think that?"

"All the kids at the school I went at never talked to me."

"How would that be related with you having two dads?"

"I overheard some kids talking that they didn't want to be around me because they feared I would turn them gay. They think because I have gay dads that I will turn out gay, but I'm not. I tried really hard to make friends, but no one will even bother to be seen with me. I blame my dads for my life. They're not even my real parents." Willis said, which made Dillon upset.

"Don't you ever say or think that ever again. You're dads adopted and raised you because they love you. They may not be your biological parents, but Chip and Xander are your real parents. I don't know about your childhood, but it can't be as bad as mine. I was born to abusive parents who hated me. My biological dad would beat me daily and sometimes cut me. My biological mom would burn her cigarettes on my body because she liked it. I was even on life support for six months because of what my biological parents did. Luckily, I was placed in an adoption center and I was away from them. I was later adopted by Chase and Riley, two men that love me to the bottom of their hearts. Since that lucky day, I have made many friends and my life is great." Dillon soon went into tears after telling his backstory to someone he barely knew.

"Dillon, I'm sorry for what happened to you. I didn't know someone would have that bad of a childhood. My life with my biological parents was boring and ordinary. Now that I think about it, my life has been better since I was adopted. Chip would play wizard with me, and Xander would teach me different skateboarding tricks. My dads are great." Willis leaned over and hugged Dillon.

"Let's be friends."

"Best friends."

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