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Kendall came over with her newly born son to visit Chase and Riley. She held her child closely, and Chase and Riley watched with amazed faces.

"Mrs. Morgan, may I hold your child?" Riley asked.

"Sure you can. You can call him by his name." She said.

"What's his name?"


Riley held Ryder in his hands as he thought about the idea of adopting another child. As he held the child, Chase went to fix the baby a bottle.

Dillon quietly made his way to the bottom step of the stairs, making sure no one could see him. He was told by Clay that something important might happen, but didn't say exactly what. He noticed his Daddy hold Mrs. Morgan's baby, feeding him.

"What news do you two have to tell me?" Kendall asked.

"We wanted you to know that Riley and I are adopted a baby, an actual newborn baby boy. We hope this one doesn't turn out like Dillon." Chase said, shocking Dillon.

Dillon become highly upset with what his Papa had said. Does his Papa really not want him like this? Was all that Chase wanted was to have a normal son? Dillon cried and made his way to his room, making sure no one heard him.

"You don't like how Dillon turned out?" Kendall asked confused.

"We love Dillon to death." Stated Riley. "When we adopted him, we were excited. We raised him and treated him like he was our own. The day he transformed into a teenager, Chase and I were a little upset. We were happy to see him grow up that way, but we wanted to see him progress through his life and guide him along the way. Either way, we can still watch him grow into an adult. Dillon will always be loved, no matter how he is or what happened to him."

"Why are you adopting another child?"

"Because we believe that a baby sibling for Dillon will help him for when he has a child in the future. We also want to experience a newborn child. When we adopted Dillon, he was at the age to were he could do some things by himself." Chase told the purple ranger.

"So you guys want to have the experience that him having?"

"Absolutely. And I hope that Dillon won't be upset about our decision."

"I'm sure he'll be glad to have a little brother."

After an hour, Kendall and her son left. Chase looked around the room and noticed the clock on the wall. It was past lunch time for them, and Dillon hadn't came down to eat something.

Riley got up and made his way upstairs to check up with the teen. When he reached the closed door of his son, he heard sobbing on the other said.

"Dillon, are you alright?" Riley gently asked as he knocked on the door. He tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Leave me alone, Riley! I hate you and Chase!" Shouted an angry Dillon.

"Dillon, you never call us by our names, that's disrespectful. Open this door right now."

"No! Fuck off!"

"Dillon Thomas Randall-Griffin! We do not use that word in this house! Please open this door."


Riley gave up and went downstairs. Chase looked concerned because he heard yelling. Riley told him everything, and both men were confused.

Matt came upstairs and saw his brother upset. Chase told Matt about the reason for adopting and about Dillon, and Matt made his way upstairs. Matt arrived at Dillon's door, pressed his ear to the door, and listened to his nephew cry.

"Dillon, it's your Uncle Matt. Can I please come in?" Matt asked. The next thing that happened was the door being opened. Matt walked into the room, shut the door, and sat on the bed with Dillon.

"Uncle Matt, what do you do when you're not wanted?" Dillon asked as he was crying.

"What would make you feel unwanted?"

"I over heard Chase saying that him and Riley are adopting another son, and Chase said that he doesn't want this one turning out like me. Apparently, I'm not normal to them."

"Dillon, don't call them by their real names. Your dads love you and will always love you. You didn't hear the entire story. They were upset when you turned into a teenager, but they looked at it in a positive way. The reason their adopting a newborn is to experience the entire stage of parenting. When you were adopted, they skipped a step of raising a child, which they liked at the time. When you turned to a teen, they thought about the next stage in your life and wanted to prepare you for your future when you have a child. A baby sibling can give you experience with raising a baby. Your dads will spend more time on the baby, but they will still love you like they always have."

Dillon felt relieved after hearing his uncle speak. He had stopped crying and hugged Matt. The two left the room to meet up with Chase and Riley. Dillon apologized to his dads and the three had a group hug.

Later that day, the social worker for their adoption case came over when the baby. Chase and Riley signed the needed paperwork and made the adoption legal. The worker left happily knowing that a baby was in a loving home.

Riley picked up the sleeping one week old boy. The baby made a little noise, which made the family laugh.

"What's his name?" Dillon asked.

"Justin. Would you like to hold him?" Replied Riley.

"I would love to."

Riley gently handed the baby to Dillon. He held his baby brother in his arms and instantly agreed that he would properly take care of him.

"Where would Justin's room be?" Matt asked.

"In my and Riley's room." Chase commented. "We set up a crib with baby toys in the corner of our room. We agreed that keeping the baby in our room would help when he gets fussy at night."

The Randall-Griffin family grew another little bit with the new addition. They all knew that more work was needed, but they were willing to commit to the task.

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