Family Day Out

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In the morning, Riley woke up and noticed the sun was shining bright. No clouds were in the sky, the air was perfect, and he was in a happy mood.

Chase finally woke up in with a smile across his face. "Good morning, Baby Raptor."

Riley turned to his fiancé. "Morning."

Riley smirked, which gained the attention of Chase. Chase stepped out of bed and walked toward Riley. As he got behind him, Chase wrapped his arms around Riley's waist.

"What are you thinking about?" Chase asked.

"What makes you think that?" He replied.

"I know the faces you make. This face you have now is the face of you having an idea."

"I was just thinking about us as a family spending time out somewhere."

"I think that's a great idea. It will also give the two of us to spend time with our two sons."

Meanwhile, Dillon stayed in his bed. His head rested on top of his pillow, his eyes stared at the ceiling fan, and his hands were placed on his stomach.

His mind was racing with the thought that Aaron was back. He knew Aaron wanted to be his boyfriend, but since TK was out of the picture, he knew Aaron would be trying to start something.

As Dillon got out of bed, he headed down the stairs. When he reached the bottom step, he heard some noise from the kitchen. He stepped around the corner and entered the kitchen.

Dillon noticed his Papa putting food in containers, and his Daddy was putting the containers in a basket. Chase noticed his older son and smiled.

"What are you two making?" Dillon asked.

"I've decided that all of us need to spend time together as a family. So I've came to the conclusion of doing a picnic in the park." Riley answered.

"Go wake up Justin and get him dressed." Chase said. Dillon did what he was told and went to his little brother's room.

Dillon walked into the nursery and saw that Justin was already awake and standing in his crib. The past year with the new child has been hectic, but they loved it. Justin is now a little over a year old and can walk, a little.

Dillon picked Justin up and changed him into a blue and orange outfit. Justin was placed on the ground and he wobbled to get his diaper bag. Dillon filled Justin's bag with a change of clothes, some toys, and diapers.

Dillon went to outside with Justin in his arms. He strapped the child into his car seat and closed the door. Once Dillon was in the car, Chase drove off.

When the family arrived at the park, Riley placed all of their stuff underneath a shady tree. Chase pulled off two branches of a tree and gave one to Dillon.

"What do you expect me to do with this?" Dillon asked.

"We're going to do some trying." The black ranger replied.

"I thought this was suppose to be a time to relax."

"It will, after we battle."

The two had a quick dual, with Riley and Justin watching. For the most part, both the father and son were equally matched, but in the final moments, Dillon won.

"You're turning into your Daddy every day." Said Chase.

"Now it's my turn." Stated Riley as he grabbed the branch from Chase. As Riley and Dillon battled, Chase played with Justin.

As the two fought, Dillon noticed how Riley's battle style was different from Chase's. Riley was always one step ahead and blocked most of Dillon's attacks. In the end, Dillon won.

Afterwards, the family ate and talked. During the meal, Justin would babble some stuff that the others couldn't understand.

Once the food was all gone, the family walked around the park. As time went on, Justin became fussy and they decided it was time to leave and head home.

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