Bad Words

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In the Randall-Griffin house, each member enjoyed their sleep. The only time that any of them would wake up early was when they had to be somewhere early. But today, Dillon woke up early to play.

Dillon woke up in his Batman pajamas and got out of his crib. He quickly and neatly made his bed like his always does. He clutched his favorite stuffed bear, which he named Brown, and walked outside of his room. He quietly shuts the door so he wouldn't wake his daddies.

Dillon carefully walked down the stairs to the main floor. He then found the door leading to the basement, which is Matt's room. He opened the door and went down another set of stairs.

Dillon stood only a few steps away from his uncle. He noticed how Matt's dark hair was a mess, how he clutched his blankets, and the way his breathing was normal. He looked so peaceful.

"Uncle Matt! Wake up!" Dillon shouted.

Matt immediately became alert. He saw his nephew standing in front of him holding his bear. "Dillon, what are you doing up?" He then noticed the time. "And why so early?"

"I want to play early so we can play a long time."

"Dillon, it's 5:30. Can I please go back to sleep?"

Dillon began to have tears. "You no want to play with me?"

"I do, but not this early." Dillon began to cry. "Okay, calm down. How about we go to the living room and play cars."

"Yeah!" The two headed upstairs and saw the sky in a window. A tint of light was beginning to form across the horizon.

Matt sat the two of them on the soft carpet with a few cars. Dillon would run across the room making sound effects, while Matt simply moved his car back and forth in the same spot.

After a while of playing, Matt turned on the TV. That's when he noticed that the time was 8:00. He heard Chase and Riley frantically run done the stairs.

"Matt, have you seen Dillon? We can't find him." Riley said as he checked the playroom.

"He's fine, he's with me in here."

"Why?" Chase asked.

"He woke me up at 5:30 to play."

Riley got a stern look on his face. "Dillon, why did you wake up so early? And why did you wake up your uncle?"

Dillon frowned. "Sorry Daddy. I want to play early and for long time. I want Uncle Matt to play with me cause he likes playing cars."

"Chase, Riley, it's fine. I enjoyed playing with him. Go ahead and get breakfast ready while we clean." Matt told them.

As Chase and Riley cooked breakfast, Matt and Dillon cleaned. The TV was playing an old movie that no one knew the name to. At first it seemed harmless, but Matt turned it off when one character said "Damn." He knew Dillon didn't need to hear that word. But what he didn't know was that Dillon had heard the word.

Dillon was now at the kitchen table waiting for Chase to finish cooking the eggs. Chase put the eggs on a plate and accidentally touched the stove top.

"Fucking shit!" Chase shouted.

Riley slapped Chase as hard as he could. "Chase! Watch your language around Dillon. I don't want him repeating those words."

"Daddy, why can't Papa say those words?" Dillon asked.

"They're big boy words." Riley explained.

"I thought he is a big boy."

"He is, but he shouldn't say those words."


"Because he shouldn't. Just eat your breakfast."

Dillon ate his food and thought about the words he heard. He heard the man on TV say a big boy word, and then his Papa said more of those words. He thought that he was a big boy since his daddies always say that he is. He wanted to impress them by saying those words. But he decided to wait a while.

In the afternoon, the couple and Matt sat on the couch watching a movie while keeping an eye on Dillon. Dillon was on the floor playing with his cars again. He has his favorite bear, Brown, beside him.

Dillon was pushing his cars towards each other until they collided. "Fucking shit! Damn this!" Dillon exclaimed.

At that moment, all three men jumped off the couch and they turned red with anger. They couldn't believe Dillon would use that language.

"Dillon Thomas Randall-Griffin! How dare you say those words! You are getting seriously punished for this!" Riley shouted at the child.

"But Daddy, I big boy you said. And those are big boy words. I wanted to impress you."

"Dillon, you are a big boy, but not big enough to use those words."

Chase picked Dillon up. "For using those words, you'll be getting spanked."

Dillon became alert and began to cry and thrash around. "No Papa. I sorry. I no mean to."

"I know you're sorry, but you still need to be punished." Chase then spanked Dillon a few times. "And you'll be in timeout for an hour."

Dillon was then placed in the corner. He held onto Brown for dear life. Chase noticed and went to take it away.

"You are not allowed to have Brown while in timeout." Chase said. Dillon cried harder knowing he can't have his comfort item.

An hour passed and Riley went to get his son out of the corner. He saw Dillon still crying, but he was crying softly.

"Dillon, timeout is done with." Riley said calmly as Dillon ran into his arms.

"Sorry Daddy. I no mean to say those words. I wanted to make you proud by saying big boy words cause you said I'm a big boy. Now you hate me cause I said those words and I'm just a baby."

"Dillon, I could never hate you. None of us could hate you. You are not a baby, you are a big boy, but not big enough to use those words. Do you understand why we had to punish you?"

Dillon nodded. "Daddy, can I have Brown?"

"Sure you can." Riley reached in his back pocket and pulled out Dillon's favorite item. "Papa and Uncle Matt are in the playroom waiting for us to play trains. You want to go?" Dillon nodded and the two went off to play.

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