Super Sentai

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The day started off just like any other. Dillon woke up, but this time, didn't see a naked Clay. Dillon did his daily routine and made his way downstairs.

When Dillon reached the bottom step, he noticed a sight that usually never happens. He saw his dads sitting on the couch doing nothing. Along with the two, the Rail Rangers and the Buster Rangers were there.

Thoughts accumulated in Dillon's mind as to why all these people were in his house. To his knowledge, nothing monster related has happened lately. Then he thought the worst: someone had died. At that thought, Dillon teared up.

"Dillon, what's wrong?" TK asked as he went to hug his boyfriend.

"Someone died." Cried the green ranger.


"Wait, that's not why all of you are here?"

"No. We came because we got a message and wanted to tell you."

"Man, I feel stupid. So, what's the message?"

The group gathered around in a circle. Each put their morpher in the center and a map appeared. A location was pinned and enlarged. Apparently, it was Japan.

"What does this mean?" Layla asked.

"It means that we have to visit Japan." Stated Luna.

"But why?" Asked Willis.

"I don't know. But we need to check it out." Commented Russell.

"Japan sounds like a fun place." Said Colby.

"Maybe there might be rangers in Japan." Aurora stated.

"Why would there be rangers in Japan? That makes no sense." Chance said.

"It doesn't matter if rangers are in Japan, we need to go there." Dillon told the other rangers. The group teleported, leaving Chase and Riley behind.

The group landed in the middle of a street in Japan. Many people were walking around and didn't notice them. As the group stood up, they noticed the new sight.

Big buildings flashed lights that shined for miles. Many bike riders rode through the street. Anime posters were hung on every structure in sight. Many people talked on the phone, but stopped when they saw the rangers. Most people would ignore the group, but some said stuff that the group couldn't understand.

As the group wandered around the place like a bunch of confused puppies, a man stepped in front of them. He wore a red pirate jacket and boots. He had a huge smirk of his face as he looked at the group.

"Who are you?" Asked Dillon.

"My name is Captain Marvelous." The man stated.

"You speak English? How fortunate."

"Now, why are a bunch of Americans wandering around Tokyo?"

"We can't tell you."

"Why not? Can't one ranger say something to another ranger?"

"You're a ranger? But how did you that we are?"

"A little robot bird told me."

Aurora jumped with glee. "I told you all that there might be rangers here! I was right!"

"Yes you are, Aurora."

"How do you know my name?"

"The birdie told me. Now, follow me to my ship."

The group obeyed and went with Captain Marvelous. The American rangers thought that this guy was out of his mind, but figured he was safe.

Once they all reached the inside of the ship, the foreign rangers were amazed at what they saw. The place was an actual pirate ship. It had a steering wheel, bedrooms, a kitchen, and the little bucket over the ship for overhead seeing.

The group also saw five other people, which would mean that their Captain Marvelous's team. To the outsiders, they seemed like an odd team, but they don't know their story. The group was told the team members names and took a closer look at the five others.

Luka, the yellow, looked the toughest. She was sitting on the couch counting the rings on her fingers. At the sight of the strangers, she just gave them a stern look. She's the toughest member.

Joe, the blue, was working out in the middle of the room. He was the most serious of the six. He looked in control and never broke a sweat.

Don, the green, brought out food from the kitchen. Apparently, he's the chef of his team. He seems to be the most helpful.

Ahim, the pink, sat at the table drinking a cup of tea. She sat like a princess, mainly because she is one. She has a smile, which she keeps. She's the most gentle of her team.

Gai, the silver, ran around the room like a crazy person. He bothered the robot bird, Navi, and asked questions. He's the most energetic.

Navi, the information center in the form of a robot bird, flew onto the center chair. He would say information that use confusing, yet helpful at the same time. He's the know it all of the group.

Then there's Captain Marvelous, the red. He wouldn't say too much, but said just the right amount. He spoke in confidence and bravery. He would stay focused on what he was doing. He's the leader of his team.

Together, they made the Gokaiger team. Separately, they wouldn't handle much. But when they work as one, they are unstoppable.

"Why are you people here?" Luka asked harshly.

"Luka, please be kinder to our guests." Ahim told her yellow.

"We came to here because we received a message from our morphers." Clay said.

"I bet I know what it might mean." Don said. "Lately, we've been having more monster attacks. We needed help, so I sent out a message to anyone that could come. The message must've thought all of you would help."

Just then, Navi started going crazy and bounced all over the place. He ended up banging his head in the roof and floated down. Ahim picked up the bird and help him close.

"Downtown trouble." Said the bird. All the rangers nodded to each other and headed out.

Once the rangers reached downtown, they noticed two monsters causing damage. The monster saw the rangers and attacked them. The rangers morphed and fought.

The battle was intense, more intense than any of the rangers ever been through. The monsters attacked harder with each hit. The power these two had was more than the rangers could handle.

The battle was left to one monster and Layla and Aurora. The two girls combined their power and gave one final blast. The blast hit the center of the monster, which destroyed him.

All the rangers demorphed and celebrated their win. The large group made their way back to the ship. Once on the ship, everyone ate a meal that Don cooked. As the group ate, the Gokaigers told about their lives.

"Once we thought we ended the battle, I married Ahim." Captain Marvelous stated. "She and I have a daughter, who is at a friends house. Don married Gai, and they have a son. Joe and Luka are engaged to each other. We all love being normal people, but we love fighting even more."

"We loved meeting all of you, but we really have to head home." Said Dillon. The groups said their goodbyes and the American rangers went home.

When the Rail Rangers and Buster Rangers arrived in Amber Beach, Dillon and Clay went to their room. Dillon laid on the bed while Clay changed.

"Do you wander if there are other rangers out in the world?" Dillon asked.

"I guess so. Why do you think that?" Asked Clay as he put on a new pair of pants.

"I'm just thinking of what kinds of people we might meet in this world." Dillon soon closed his eyes and drifted off into slumber. Clay left the room to go for a walk.

Downstairs, Chase was on the phone talking to the adoption agency. Riley was in town doing some shopping. Clay overheard Chase's conversion as he walked out of the house. Dillon was soon getting a sibling.

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