Chase's Turn and an E-Mail

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Morning in Amber Beach was always a magnificent site. The sunset that rose over the beach left a beautiful ray of light. The breeze was just the right amount of cold and warm to make anyone feel good. The scent of the fresh morning nature was said to bring peace throughout the day, but somehow not today for one couple.

The Randall-Griffin household was becoming uneasy with arguing from Chase and Riley. Apparently, Riley had found out Chase wasn't out to his family. He acquired this knowledge when he read an e-mail from Chase's mother asking to see his girlfriend.

"Why does your mother think that you have a girlfriend?" Riley asked for the tenth time. He was so angry that steam was practically coming out of his ears.

"Because, the last time I talked to my mother was when I was fully straight. I had a girlfriend at the time and I never had the chance to tell my mom the truth." Chase tried to explain but he knew it was useless. Whenever his boyfriend was angry, there is no point because Riley would always win.

"You haven't spoken to your mother in months?"

"That's because I've been busy being a ranger and being a dad. Complications kept happening and they got in my way."

"So our son is a complication? He gets in your way?"

"No! I didn't mean it like that. I meant that I was enjoying our son and became full of joy, I forgot to tell my mom."

"That is still not a valid excuse. You saw me come out to my family, and you helped me. Sure, things didn't go as planned, but not everything can. But if I hadn't had came out, Dillon wouldn't even know his uncle."

"Riley, I know how hard it was for you, but I can't come out to my family."

"Chase, things will be fine. Why can't you come out?"

"My mom practically has it convinced that I'm straight. I've been flirting with girls since I was six, and I've dated lots of girls during middle school. And then there's Chloe. She looks up to me, who knows what she'll think of me when she learns that her big brother is bisexual."

"Chase, it'll be fine. I'm sure your family will be completely understandable." The two hugged and pulled backed.

"Riley, why were you going through my e-mail?"

"I figured that we're boyfriends, we shouldn't have anything to hide. I'm sorry, can you forgive me?"

"Sure." The two kissed.

Then Matt appeared at the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt, but Dillon is asking for daddies."

Later that day, Chase had set up a video chat with his mom and sister. While waiting for them to answer, Chase was more nervous than ever. His leg was shaking and sweat was roaming on his head. Luckily it wasn't enough for his family to notice. When the screen changed to show his mother and sister, Chase smiled.

"Hey, son. How have you been." His mother asked.

"Where's your girlfriend?" Chloe sounded excited when she asked.

"I'm fine mom. And Chloe, I got some news for you and mom."

"What is it?" His mom asked with a worried look.

"Mom, Chloe, I am in a relationship, but not with a girl, with a boy. His name is Riley and I love him more than anything. We have a son together that we adopted and love to death. I'm sorry I never told you, but I was scared. When we last talked months ago, I did have a girlfriend, but we broke up shortly after. Then Riley moved to town and I immediately fell for him. I was confused about my sexuality, but I have come to a conclusion. I am bisexual. I am proud of who I am and I hope you two still love me." Chase's tears were pouring out of him. He had began crying since the beginning of his speech and he couldn't control them. Riley had to come and sooth him down.

"Baby, it's alright, I don't love you any less. In fact, I love you more. I'm proud that you told me and I support you all the way. Is that Riley? He's cute, you're lucky you found one as adorable as him. And did I hear that I have a grandson? I'm finally a grandmother! Overall, I don't care that you're bisexual, all I care about is if you're happy." Her words made Chase stop crying and smile.

"Big brother." Chloe began. "I think it's awesome that you like boys. Now we can talk about all the boys we think are cute."

"Thanks for everything. Love you two, bye."

"Bye." With that, the video call ended.

Riley looked up at Chase. "See, that wasn't so hard. You're family is so supportive of you. That's more than me."

"You have Matt."

"I know, but I wish my mom would accept me. I wish I could've told her everything I wanted to say."

"You could e-mail her anything you want to say."

"I might just do that."

Toward the end of the night, Riley sat at the kitchen table with his computer on the table. Dillon was sleeping, Matt went to buy groceries, and Chase was in the shower. He had peace to write, so he began.

Dear mother,

You now know about my lifestyle. You may not like or accept it, but that is your choice. Frankly, I don't care anything about you for many reasons, but the main reason was for not loving your son. I don't now how any mother could possibly turn her son away. My boyfriend just came out to his mother, and she loves him more than ever because of who he is, and that's what matters. You are worthless and don't need to be called a mom.

Let me tell you about my boyfriend, Chase. He is the most caring and loving person in the world. He supports me with every decision and never talks back. He is a perfect father to our son, which will never be your grandchild. Chase makes me happy and makes me feel good. You know what else makes me feel good? It's Chase's big dick thrusting into me. He knows how to hit me in my special spot and make me love him even more.

Matt loves it here. Unlike you, he accepts me and Chase. He helps around the house and helps take care of Dillon. He even said that he hates you and never wants to see you again.

I want you to know that you are no longer a part of my or Matt's life. As of now, you are dead to us. I'm not sure how you feel about this, but I really don't give a damn. I hope you read this and learn from it. You better not write back because I won't read anything that you have to say. If you want us back, its too late. Better hope that you will find a man that will stay and have kids with you.

From, Riley

When Riley hit send, he felt relieved. What felt even good was Chase giving him a massage. Apparently, Chase came down about halfway through the writing and began massaging his boyfriend.

"That feels so good." Riley said as Chase unknotted his neck.

"Anything for you."

"What does our future hold in store for us?"

"I don't know. My guess is wonderful things. For example, I might be hearing certain bells coming our way." Chase chuckled at his own prediction. It could come true. He already bought the engagement ring and he is just waiting for the right time.

"What do you say? I'm too tired. I've been falling in and out of sleep this whole time."

"I said lets get some sleep." With that, the two went to bed.

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