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The morning after Dillon's birthday was quite, too quiet. Usually everyone would be up and making some kind of noise. Instead, they didn't bother with anything.

Matt went over to Karone's place, Dillon was in his playroom being quiet, Chase was reading a book, and Riley was at his computer. He was reading the e-mail that his mother had sent, again. Even though he has read it multiple times, he still looks over it because it's the only thing he has from his mother.

Chase looked over from the chair he was sitting in and saw Riley getting tense. "What are you doing, Riley?"

"Nothing, Chase. Go back to your book."

"I don't believe that you're doing nothing. I know you, and something is bothering you." Stated Chase as he moved toward his boyfriend.

"Go away." Riley tried closing the computer, but Chase grabbed it.

"Why are you reading this?" Chase asked with rage in his tone.

"Because, it's the only thing I have from my mom."

"I thought you deleted it. I saw you."

"I recovered it. I'm sorry, but I really need something to remind me that I have a mother."

"Riley, you don't need to think about her. Do you remember what she said when we visited her? I do, and it wasn't good. And what she wrote in that letter wasn't better. I want you to delete that e-mail, permanently."

"I don't think that I can."

"Sure you can. You've done it before. This time, just don't bring it back. Say goodbye to the pains of the past."

Riley deleted the letter and closed the computer. He hugged Chase with all he had. Chase felt how tense Riley was.

"Riley, you're so tense. You need to do something about that." Stated Chase.

"Like what?"

"I have an idea."

Meanwhile across town, Matt and Karone were packing boxes. Matt had made a choice of letting Karone move in with him. Even though he only had the basement, there was enough room for her and the baby, whenever it comes.

"Matt, are you sure that you want me moving in? When I get more in depth with my pregnancy, I can get more moody." Karone said.

"It's fine. You're family now."

"Not really. We're only dating."

"But you're carrying our child, that's the only thing that matters. And I consider you family, no matter what."

"You know having a baby isn't cheap?"

"That's what I thought. How about we visit a baby store and see what things will cost?"

When Karone and Matt arrived at the local baby supply store, they weren't expecting what they saw. It seemed like that the store was on steroids. Everything was in bulk, all the employees were constantly too happy, and things were moving fast.

"How about this?" Matt asked. He was holding a blue blanket.

"I don't think so yet. We don't know the gender." Karone told him.

"But I really want a son."


"So me and him can play football together, be as dirty as we want, and talk about girls when he gets older."

"Why can't our future daughter do all those things. What's wrong with a girl who ignores stereotypes?"

"The connection is different between a father and son than with a father and daughter. And you said that we don't know the gender, so it could be a boy."

"It doesn't matter what gender the baby is, we'll still love him or her."

"Okay. But I really hope it's a boy."

"Why are you so obsessed with the baby being a boy?" Karone asked, slightly getting frustrated.

"Because Riley has a son and I have to have one. It's not fair."

"Matt! He adopted his child, it's a different situation. You don't have the power to control the gender like he did. Why is it that your sibling rivalry is getting the best of you?"

"It's not sibling rivalry, it's just me being concerned. I'm worried that if our child is a girl, she might get hurt by Dillon when they get older. But if our child is a boy, then it's just boys being boys."

"So now it's because of gender specific stereotypes? Why does everything boys do to another boy just boys being boys? A boy can purposely hurt another boy, and the hurt boy may have not wanted it to happen. And a girl can hurt a boy just as much as the other way around. Girls can also stand up for themselves and defend for their own."

"I'm sorry."

"You better be."

After the little argument in the middle of the blanket section, the couple saw Kendall. They only just met her at Dillon's birthday party. They know that Riley and Chase follow her commands for some reason.

"Kendall, what are you doing here?" Matt asked as he approached the woman.

"That's Mrs. Morgan to you." She stated. It's her thing to correct people about how to address her. Then she got nervous. "What are you two doing here?"

"We're gathering baby supplies." Commented Karone. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. Just leavening." Kendall said as she rushed out of the building.

"That was weird." Matt said. "How about this?" He pointed to bubble wallpaper.

"Perfect." Stated Karone. "Bubbles aren't gender specific, and babies love them."

"What to cover a corner of our room bubbles, and make that the baby's nursery?"

"You mean our basement?" Karone joked.

"It's not that bad, it has a lot of room."

At the Randall-Griffin house, Chase and Riley stood in the master bathroom. Chase had a smile, while Riley had a look that was mainly doubt.

"I'm not sure this will work." Doubted Riley.

"Of course it will." Exclaimed Chase.

The two men stood in front of the bathtub. It was full with hot water and bubbles. Rose pedals were floating and candles were lit.

Riley undressed and eased on into the tub. The moment he was in place, the look on his face changed to happiness. He would admit, the hot water was relaxing.

"Enjoy yourself." Chase said as he began to walk away.

"Stay. I want you to get in with me." Begged Riley.

"This is supposed to be your alone time so you can relax."

"I'm relaxed whenever I'm with you."

"If that's the case, I might as well just join in."

Chase undressed and got in behind Riley. Riley laid his head on Chase's chest and closed his eyes. Chase put his hands on Riley's neck and began to massage his boyfriend.

"That feels good. Keep going." Riley said. The two kept up their romantic evening.

Later in the night, Matt and Karone moved everything into their room and organized it the way they wanted. Once the bubble wallpaper was put up in a certain corner, the crib was placed there. The couple kissed and went to bed.

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