Time Together

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When the family arrived home, Dillon was still really upset about what his biological parents had done. Riley and Chase were still shocked to learn that their enemy, Heckyl, is the father of Kendall's baby.

"Dillon, do you want anything?" Riley asked softly.

"Spend time with you." Replied the child.

"Do you want everyone?"

"No. Just you, Daddy."

"I guess that would work."

Riley nodded to the others and they knew what to do. Matt and Karone decided to check out various stores that have baby supplies. Chase grabbed his skateboard and went off to the skate park to practice. Riley laid himself and Dillon on the couch.

"Daddy, can we color?" Dillon asked.

"Sure we can."

Riley left the room to gather the needed materials. He returned with paper, crayons, and colored pencils. They didn't have paint because Riley and Chase thought that paint would cause too much of a mess. Then he set the supplies on the living room table.

Riley and Dillon colored for over an hour. Riley drew a neat and clean picture of a dinosaur, which he was proud to say that he made. Dillon, on the other hand, mainly drew scribbles, which Riley looked down on. He knew his son was a decent drawer, but he probably thought Dillon was too upset to properly draw a picture.

"Do you like it, Daddy?" The child asked.

"Well," Remarked Riley.

Dillon teared up. "You don't like it." He threw the picture on the ground.

"Don't do that, Dillon. I love it very much."

"Why you no say that?"

"Because I think that you could do better."

"You no think I good?"

"I think you're good, but I want you to be better."


"Because I believe that you're very talented. And if you draw a really nice picture, you can have ice cream."

"Okay, Daddy."

Half an hour later, Dillon had drawn, to the best of his ability, a train. Riley approved and placed the picture on the fridge.

"I'm hungry." Stated Dillon.

"What would you like?"

"Anything that you cook, Daddy. I like when you cook."

"Thanks. How about you put up the coloring supplies while I cook?"

"Okay." Answered Dillon while he began cleaning up the living room.

Riley went over to the kitchen and started preparing the meal. He decided to make Dillon's favorite, homemade macaroni and cheese. Dillon loved that dish, especially if Riley made it. No other person could make the cheese like Riley.

The two ate and Dillon got most of the food on his clothes. He laughed knowing he did it on purpose. Riley chuckled, as he didn't want to make Dillon more upset by scolding him. Riley cleaned the child and the two went to the playroom.

Riley grabbed all the blocks and the two of them started to build a tower. Dillon cheered up, mainly because playing with his blocks is his favorite activity. Dillon looked at Riley with a grin.

"Daddy, lift please." Dillon said while holding his arms in the air.


Riley picked up his son and held him close. Dillon told him that he wanted to get near to the tower. Riley obeyed and Dillon was only an inch away from the top of the block tower. Dillon hit the tower and watched it fall.

"Dillon, why did you do that?" Riley asked. "We worked hard on it."

"It made me happy. I happy now."

"I'm glad that you're happy."

Riley tickled Dillon, and Dillon turned red because of his laughter. Dillon soon yawned, indicating that it's his nap time.

"Want to take a nap in daddies bed?" Asked Riley.


Riley nodded and headed toward his and Chase's room. He sat the both of them down and got underneath the blanket. Dillon snuggled up on Riley's chest, and Riley wrapped his arm around Dillon.

"Never leave." Stated Dillon.

"I won't. I promise." Riley said, slightly falling asleep.

A while later, both were asleep. Dillon began producing the same green glow from before. This time, a train could be heard from the light.

About an hour later, Chase and the others arrived home. Matt and Karone went down to their room, and Chase went to his. When Chase opened the door, Dillon immediately stopped glowing.

"We're home." Stated Chase.

Chase noticed the pair were still sleeping and decided to wake them up. He screamed as loud as he could, and the loudness caused Dillon and Riley to wake up. Dillon didn't know what was going on, so he cried.

"See, look what you've done. I can't believe you would do that." Exclaimed Riley.

"It was only a joke." Chase explained.

"Well, it wasn't. Dillon and I were peacefully sleeping until you disrupted us."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to have some fun."

"You're definition of fun isn't a good one. You're going to have to calm Dillon down. I just don't know how to handle you right now."

"Why are you acting like a little bitch about this?" Chase said.

"Don't use that language around Dillon! And don't call me that! I'm going for a walk!" Riley shouted as he started to leave.

"Daddy, don't leave. You promised." Cried Dillon.

Chase went over to Dillon. "Dillon, I'm so sorry for ending your nap early, and for making you upset."

"Is Daddy leaving forever?" The child asked.

Chase was completely shocked by that question. "No, he's coming back. I just don't know when."

"Why did you say that bad word to Daddy?"

"I don't know. I shouldn't have said it. I guess I was upset that I lost a wheel on my skateboard. That's still not an excuse for what I said. I won't you to know, I won't say that word again, and I don't want you saying that word. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Papa."

"Want to go find Daddy?"

"Yes." Dillon said. Chase picked Dillon up and headed out of the house.

The two made there way down the street. The decided to head toward the track, since that's where Riley goes when he's upset. On the way, Dillon cheered back up and was back to normal.

When Chase and Dillon arrived at the track, they saw Riley running. Before they could do anything, Snide appeared and it scared Dillon.

"Green ranger! Hand me your energem!" Snide commanded.

"Never!" Riley told the villain. Riley morphed into his ranger suit and began to fight.

Dillon perked up when he realized that his daddy was a superhero. He wanted down, but Chase kept a tight grip on the child. Chase chose to hide behind the bleachers, so Snide won't notice him and Dillon. Things didn't help when Dillon started to glow again.

Snide noticed the glowing and walked towards the bleachers. When he got there, he snatched the bleachers out of the ground and threw them into the air. Chase morphed and fought, trying to take the attention off of Dillon.

Dillon was scared, but also happy to see that his daddies were superheroes. He was about to leave, but couldn't because his feet were stuck to the ground. His glowing became so bright, everyone was blinded by the green light.

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