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In the high school, Dillon sat in the back of his geology class. Only after a month of finding five of his teammates, he still felt like there was one more. Dr. Oliver noticed how Dillon was staring off into space.

"Mr. Randall-Griffin, please stay after class." Dr. Oliver told the green ranger.

When class ended, Dillon watched all the other students exit. He stood up and made his way to the teacher's desk.

"Yes, Dr. Oliver." Dillon said.

"Dillon, you're such a brilliant student. How come you've been slacking off in class lately?"

"I'm sorry, I've been worrying about my team."

"Why? You're team has six members, it's complete."

"That's the problem, I feel like that there's another Rail Ranger."

"How can you feel a think like that?"

"It's just a feeling I have. I need to act upon it and go searching."

"How will you even start? You have no clues."

"I don't know."

The two guys left the room and went to get Layla. As Dr. Oliver, Dillon, and Layla were walking to Dr. Oliver's truck, a woman jumped in front of them.

"Stop! I need your help." The woman said.

"Who are you?" Layla asked.

"My name is Jen, and I'm the pink Time Force Ranger. My team is in danger and we need some help."

"Why should we help you?" Asked Dr. Oliver.

"Because I know that all three of you are rangers with teams. Please, I'm begging you."

"Alright, we'll help." Dillon said.

Jen teleported them to Silver Hills. When the group arrived, they noticed the town being destroyed by three very dangerous monsters.

"I'll call my team, and you three call yours." Jen commanded.

Jen pulled out a badge like device and talked to her team. Dillon sent a message to the Rail Rangers to teleport to the center of Silver Hills. Dr. Oliver didn't know which of his teams to call, so he picked a random team.

"Before the teams arrive, I'll tell you a bit of mine. Katie is yellow, Trip is green, Lucas is blue, Wes is red, and Eric is quantum. Eric told me that he already meet the Rail Rangers, and that he's too busy to make it here. I'm the leader of my team. Yes, a pink ranger is in charge." Jen said.

"Finally, a pink in the lead. Maybe I could be the leader of the Rail Rangers." Layla said in confidence.

"Don't think about it. I'm the leader." Dillon told her.

Suddenly, a large group of people appeared. When the four rangers took a look, they noticed that the people were their teammates.

"Katie, Trip, Lucas, and Wes!" Shouted Jen.

"Aaron, TK, Colby, Aurora!" Screamed Layla.

"Conner, Kira, Ethan, Trent!" Dr. Oliver said.

The twelve other rangers joined their team and greeted each other. Rangers from different teams introduced themselves to each other. But they stopped and got ready to morph.

"Time for Time Force!"

"Dino Thunder, Power Up!"

"Rail Rangers, Station Ready!"

The three teams morphed and went to fight the monsters. The Dino Rangers took Corox, the Time Force Rangers attacked Venyo, and the Rail Rangers fought Watgor.

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