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Dillon woke up the next morning not feeling himself today because he woke up in the basement, on an old beat up bed, and his clothes all tore up. Dillon made a confused look on his face, he heard his baby brother, Justin, crying. He went up the basement stairs, and found his Uncle Matt, Aunt Karone, and cousins Chance and Astronema sitting in the kitchen table having breakfast.

"Dillon what are you doing out of the basement? If your dads finds you out of the basement they will bet you." Matt said with a scared look on his face.

"What are you talking about, Uncle Matt? My dads love me, and I heard Justin crying and came to see what he needs." Dillon said with a smile on his face.

"Dillon, what are you talking about? Your dads don't love you any more." Matt said.

"What?" Dillon said.

Just then his dad's walked into the kitchen, Riley was holding Justin in his arms, saw Dillon, and got mad.

"What the hell are you doing out of the basement, Dillon?" Riley said with an angry look on his face.

"Daddy, I came to check on Justin." Dillon said.

"That doesn't matter, Dillon. You came up here without permission." Chase said with an angry look on his face.

"Papa, what are you talking about?" Dillon said with a scared look on his face.

"You don't remember? We stopped loving you after you became a teenager." Riley said.

"What do you mean you stop loving me?" Dillon said with a scared look his face.

"Well, after you became a teenage, we were disappointed that we didn't get to see you grow up the normal way, so we decided to take are anger out on you." Chase said.

Dillon was shocked and couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was just like what he heard from his real father, that he wanted a daughter but instead he got a son. Take his anger out on him.

"Now we have to punish you for not listening." Riley said.

He gave Justin to Karone. Karone, Matt, Astronema, and Chance left the room. Chase and Riley both at the same time beat Dillon up.

"DADS, STOP BEATING ME" Dillon said, scared for life. Then he blacked out.

"Dillon, wake up, you are having a bad dream." Dillon heard someone.

Dillon woke up with tears in his eyes, he saw that he was in his room, and he saw Riley in his room.

"Dillon, it's ok." Riley said while hugging his teenage son.

"Daddy, do you and Papa still love me?" Dillon asked with tears in his eyes and hugging his daddy.

"Dillon, me and your Papa will always love you." Riley said.

"I had a dream where you and Papa stopped loving me, and you started to beat me." Dillon started to cry well he told his daddy.

All Riley could do was hold his son in his arms.
"It's ok, Dillon, it's ok." Riley said with tears coming out of his eyes.

When the two boys stopped crying. "Daddy, can you stay with me tonight?" Dillon asked.

"Sure thing, Dillon." Riley said as he climbed into bed with his son.

Riley put his arm around his teenage son's shoulders and Dillon snuggled closely to his daddy chest.

"I love you Daddy, very much." Dillon said with tears in his eyes.

"I love you too, Dillon, I love you too." Riley said with tears in his eyes and snuggled close to his son.

Dillon slept comfortable and knew he was safe because he felt safe in his daddy arms. That night, Dillon didn't have another bad dream again.

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