4 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to psychxpathic for helping me with all the Spanish translations. I don't know shit about that language x love u.

there isn't a specific casting for Blaze, so you can imagine him as whoever you want. Personally, I imagine him as Joe Collier.

banner to the side made plaintively. thanks bae <3

T H A T  G I R L, T H A T  G I R L, S H E ' S  S U C H  A  B I T C H,
B U T  I  T E L L  M Y S E L F  I  C A N  H A N D L E  I T.
T H A T  G I R L – A L L  T I M E  L O W

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I lightly clucked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, squinting through the harsh beams of sunlight. "I'm grounded," I told Jade, tugging at the end my cheerleader outfit.

Jade's face twisted into a facial expression of exasperation. "Are you kidding me?" she hissed. "I've been waiting for a whole hour."

Shrugging heedlessly, I adjusted the straps of my bag and forced my lips to curl upward into a smile. "Shall we get going?"

"Should," Jade corrected, perambulating alongside me in the direction of her car.

"Not you too," I murmured. She flashed a befuddled look in my direction, but I simply shook my head and mounted into the passenger seat. Once she was inside, she buckled herself up with a loud sigh and started the engine.

"So, what's the plan?" she questioned as she chewed obnoxiously on her gum and adjusted the rear view mirror.

"There is no plan. Well, not unless my mum lets me off the hook," I muttered in despair, sighing.

"What about your phone?"

I frowned. "I don't know. This sucks."

"You're the one who left it behind," she countered with a derisive scoff.

"Yeah, well, he wouldn't ever willingly hand his phone number to me," I snapped defensively.

"Cool it down," she mumbled.

Before long, Jade had parked her car in the driveway of my house with a small sigh. "See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," I said as I kicked the door open. With one final smile, I closed the door behind me and jogged up the front steps, childishly swinging my bag back and forth. I used the spare key to unlock the front door and then dropped my bag down on the couch, glancing around.


"Over here," was her bland reply. By the tone of voice she used, I'm guessing she wasn't over the whole ordeal that transpired yesterday. "Did you come back?"

"No, Ma, I'm still on my way home," I replied in a sarcastic fashion. "Hey, Nina," I grinned down at my two year old sister.

Nina gazed up at me with her big, brown eyes, before glancing back down at her Barbie doll, playing with the ends of its blonde hair. Sighing, I sank down on a stool and glanced around, attempting to act innocent. "Ma..." I started out, rubbing my palms together.

"Qué?" she murmured as she hastily scrubbed at the dish in her hands.

I shut my eyes, crossing my fingers together. "Can I go to the mall?"

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