31 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to stytchers for being such a smol bean. thank you for being so supportive, Eileen<3 i wish i had your name.

guys, just because the bet is off, doesn't mean this story is over -- especially when a certain somebody finds out about it *cue dramatic music*. for some reason, this is my favourite chapter of the book idk why. it's just so sweet.

guys...we're like 31 chapters into the book and people still don't know the name of the male lead. his name is blaze...not blake or blair or anything. just blaze

I F I R S T M E T Y O U R M O T H E R.
A N D O N T H E D R I V E B A C K T O M Y H O U S E,
I T O L D Y O U T H A T, I T O L D Y O U
T H A T I L O V E D Y A.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

"WHAT IF HE COMPLETELY shuts me out?"

Nina's shoulders rose. "He won't," she promised, a vivid smile gracing her features.

I paced around the living room, dragging a hand through my brown hair. "Okay...what if he chooses Kiera over me?" I was practically hyperventilating at this point.

Nina's face scrunched up in befuddlement. "Who's Kiera?"

I paused in my tracks and shot her a triumphant smile. "Exactly, Nina. You know what, you're right. She is a nobody. And just for that, I'm going to buy you ice cream when I get back."

Nina giggled fervently, nodding her head. Her brown tufts of hair bounced around as she continued nodding her head in a quite enthusiastic manner.

Just then, while in the process of tidying my hair, the doorbell rang. I froze in spot as Nina jumped off the couch and rushed toward the front door, tiptoeing in order to wrap her tiny fingers around the doorknob. She struggled to catch it though, and I decided to draw her out of her misery by stalking up toward the door and yanking it open.

There, stood an impassive Blaze, with a whimpering Grant in his hands. At the sight of us, a faint smile appeared on his face as he set Grant down in front of Nina. Since the last time Blaze brought him over here, Nina had instantly developed a liking toward him.

That much was rather obvious.

A crooked grin enhanced her features as she crouched down and pet Grant, while I directed my gaze to Blaze's face. "Hey," I murmured, feeling a little breathless at the mere sight of him.

His green eyes flickered to something behind me, and I turned to capture a glimpse of my father standing behind us. He advanced toward us and stared down at Grant with furrowed eyebrows, before throwing me a pointed look. "If he poops on the carpet, you're cleaning it."

I just rolled my eyes as I took hold of my purse. "Papa...Blaze and I are going out."

My father propped his hands along his hips. "Don't you want lunch?"

"I'm having lunch with his family," I cleared up, sustaining a perpetual smile to my face.

His brown eyes zeroed in on Blaze, who gulped in response. A look of terror flashed across Blaze's face as he clapped him on the back and steered him in the direction of the living room. "Where did you guys go yesterday?" my father asked in his usual thick, Spanish accent.

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