38 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @hemm0sphere for continuously supporting my books! it really means a lot x

it's my birthday today!! i'm finally 14 amigos. so, as much as i hate to say this, but this is the last chapter of fip. there will be no epilogue and sequel, so don't demand for one. i know, i know, it seems sudden, but i don't want this story to drag out any further, so this is the very last chapter. it really saddens me, because i really am going to miss writing blaze and noelle, but i'll get over it and so will you :) on another note, i will be writing a new story that will come out very soon, so please stay tuned! it's going to be comedy/romance/horror and trust me, you'll fall in love with the characters as hard as you fell in love with these. thank you so much for sticking with me through thick and thin, and for being patient for updates. i truly am blessed to have readers as patient and supportive as you, so thank you all and enjoy this very last chapter <3

S A W Y O U T O D A Y A F T E R S O M U C H T I M E,
I T F E L T J U S T L I K E I T U S E D T O B E.
A D I F F E R E N T L I F E,
S U R R O U N D E D U S I N M E M O R I E S.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

APPARENTLY, THE TRUCK DRIVER died around 5:51PM. At least, that's what Kaedon told me.

"One bite, I swear," I promised solemnly.

Blaze wrinkled his nose in distaste, shaking his head. "I hate hospital food. These potatoes taste like freaking cardboard!" he cried in horror, pointing to them.

I curled my lips inward in an attempt to hold back my laughter. "You have to eat something, Blaze," I bickered.

"Yeah, Blaze," Langdon asserted, nodding. "Listen to your wife. She knows best." He was seated in a wheelchair that Winston and him 'borrowed', childishly bolting around the hospital room.

"You're so lucky you get to leave before me," Blaze muttered with a heavy sigh.

"Don't worry, mate," Ahmed interjected, clapping him on the shoulder. "You'll be out in no time."

Just then, as I prepared to open my mouth, the door swung open to reveal a grinning Kiera and Kaedon, an armful of bags in their hands. "Guess who just bought McDonald's?" Kiera announced, the faintest traces of a grin displayed on her face.

Loud cheering and whooping sounded throughout the room, mostly from Blaze and Langdon. "Thank you," he muttered in relief, grabbing onto a bag.

"Blaze," I scolded, smacking his hand away.

"Just some fries, I promise," he said, then rummaged through a bag.

"Let the poor boy eat," Jade interjected with a little smile. Her smile dropped once she received the glare I threw her way.

Call me petty, but I still wasn't over what she did.

It's been two days later, and I was finally admitted out of the hospital. Of course, given the circumstances, I was still pretty apprehensive about riding a car. Nightmares of that particular day flashed through my mind, and I'd wake up sweating and shivering. Bits and pieces of Blaze's bloody face and the everlasting sound of glasses shattering had echoed through my mind for days. I don't think we'll ever recover properly.

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