27 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @Knotsu for supporting me throughout my stories. thank you so much! your comments are hilarious, tbh.

i was supposed to update on July 17th but because it's @charmed1500 birthday today. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, this lovely update is for you!

T H U N D E R  O N L Y  H A P P E N S
W H E N  I T ' S  R A I N I N G.
P L A Y E R S  O N L Y  L O V E  Y O U
W H E N  T H E Y ' R E  P L A Y I NG.
S A Y . . . W O M A N , T H E Y  W I L L  C O M E 
A N D  T H E Y  W I L L  G O.
W H E N  T H E  R A I N  W A S H E S  Y O U  C L E A N . . .
Y O U ' L L  K N OW , Y O U ' L L  K N O W.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂


Nina hoisted her shoulders in the motion of a shrug as she remained recumbent on her stomach in front of the T.V. Her eyes were glued to the screen, which was playing an animated cartoon named '64 Zoo Lane.'

I hummed along to the theme song as I plonked down on the couch beside my mother, whose eyes darted to me. She pressed her lips together, before setting her phone down and guiding her attention on me. "Noelle," she started, slowly.

I was gripped from the very first word, and I bent to cast her a perplexed look. "¿Qué?" A questioning look was thrown her way.

"Do you remember Joanna?"

I knitted my eyebrows together, staring up at the ceiling. Then, I slowly nodded my head and passed her a confused look. I did recall a brief memory of her, chiefly because she was my mother's friend. They don't really interact a lot anymore, but they still do call from time to time. "¿Sí, por qué?" I eventually answered.

"She's getting married tomorrow," she told me.

"Felicidades," I muttered, turning my head back to the television.

"And," my mother continued, oblivious to my lack of attention. "She wants you to be her bridesmaid."

At this, my head practically snapped in her direction in a painful manner. "¿Qué?" Why me? I haven't seen that woman in God knows how long.

My mother shrugged her shoulders heedlessly, directing her gaze to Nina's short figure. "It's her wedding. You will do what she says," she ordered.

"And you tell me this now? Aren't I supposed to, like, attend a rehearsal party or something? Or even organise a bachelorette party?"

My mother shrugged. "She had twelve bridesmaids but the twelfth ones grandma died yesterday so she asked me if you could fill in for her."

I fought back the tempting desire to roll my eyes. Only as I tucked my acerbic wit away, I furthered my questions. "En tus sueños. I don't have a dress," I told her.

"Which is why we're going shopping." She rose up from the couch and pointedly glanced down at me. "Go take a shower and change your clothes."

A weak groan slid past my lips as I, too, heaved myself up and tramped up the stairs. Grumbling curse words under my breath, I conducted a quick shower and then transferred into a fresh set of clothes.

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