20 || falling into place ||

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a / n this chapter is dedicated to TheLifeOfJo for being such a supportive/dedicated reader! thank you so much x

who likes the new cover? i had to add that pink streak to it tho.

I L O V E  Y O U R L I E S,
I ' L L E A T E M U P.
B U T D O N ' T D E N Y T H E A N I M A L.

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In recurrence, I simply rolled my eyes as I dropped my schoolbag down on my bed. "Stop changing the subject, Jade. I saw you speaking to Joseph today at lunch," I countered, slightly miffed.

"Is there anything wrong with that?" a minor undercurrent of suspense clung onto Jade's words as she furrowed her brows.

A tight lipped smile glossed my lips. "Nope, not at all," I murmured coarsely.

Jade propped her arms along her lips, her eyes narrowed. "Is there anything wrong with that?" she repeated, this time, with a little more violence.

"Yes, actually," I revealed as I adjusted the ends of my cheerleader skirt. "He broke your heart."

"And he apologised," Jade returned, jutting her chin upward in a gesture of apparent indifference.

I raised my eyebrows in question. "That's all it takes for you to forgive him? A lame apology?"

"Well, I mean, Blaze forgave you for betting on him, so," she shrugged.

I scrunched my face up. "What brought him into this?" Besides, I doubt he'd forgive me if I ever told him.

Which I probably won't.

"Look, I need your help." Jade's tone of voice transformed into one of urgency and she bit down on her bottom lip, floundering over her next words. "I...I'm going on a friendly date with someone and I need you to come along."

An amused smile lined my lips. "I've never heard of a friendly date," I mused.

Jade wrung her hands together and continued gazing at me beseechingly. With a sigh, I dragged myself off my bed and crouched down, rummaging through my closet. "Is this said date with Joseph?" I inquired, pausing in my tracks.

A brief silence reigned for too long, and I tossed an indignant look over my shoulder. "You see this?" I patted the rug. "That's you."

"Huh?" Jade mumbled, discombobulated.

"You're letting him step all over you, Jade," I retaliated, attempting to tone down on the annoyance that leaked into my voice.

"No I'm not," she returned quite defiantly. "I'm granting him a second chance."

"Whatever," I concluded, sighing. "So what has this got to do with me?"

"You're coming," Jade answered, her lips quirked up in a demure smile.

I paused, whirling around to confront her. "Wait, what?"

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