34 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @XxxLanaexxX for being a dedicated/supportive reader. your comments honestly put a smile on my face, so thank you x

for any confusion, yes i did update on Saturday, but it was by mistake. thankfully a small amount of people noticed; the perks of living in Australia. i'd also kindly ask people to quit demanding for updates. while it's extremely flattering, i find it upsetting that you're not happy with my updating schedules. i have tons of assignments and essays to do, not to mention that i'm not glued to my phone 24/7. i have a life, people. i'd appreciate it if you say something along the lines of 'hey, i'm loving the story so far. can't wait until next update,' rather than saying 'update!!!!'.

also, i think i may have forgotten to mention that university ends in November here in Australia. whoops.

T U R N S  O U T  N O  O N E  C A N  R E P L A C E  M E
I ' M  P E R M A N E N T , Y O U  C A N ' T  E R A S E  M E.
I ' L L  H E L P  Y O U  R E M E M B E R  M E,
O N E  M O R E  K I S S  I S  A L L  I T  T A K E S,
I ' L L  L E A V E  Y O U  W I T H  T H E  M E M O R Y,
A N D  T H E  A F T E R T A S T E.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

MY DAY WENT FROM 'okay' to 'shitty' to 'oh fuck' real quick.

From the abundant amount of family members jostling around my house, to the large Christmas tree that stood in the middle of the living room, that much was obvious.

I wish I could say I was in a Christmas spirit. But then I'd be lying.

With the day's diminishing, I had only two days left before I had to say goodbye to Blaze.

The mere thought of letting him go brought me to tears. For these past few days, I had to abstain from marching over to Kiera's house and punching her in the throat. After all, this was all her fault.

And even though I spent the rest of these days loathing her very existence, somehow, at the back of my mind, I had an inkling that she was right. After all, she couldn't just stand there and watch her best friend — more like lover — jump into the arms of another girl -- a girl who was once betting on him.

I completely understood where she was coming from. But at the same time, I didn't want to let go.

I didn't need Blaze in my life, per se. But I wanted him. I wanted him to be in my life so bad. I've gotten so used to him in these past few months that the mere thought of him not being around in my life anymore made me want to scream in frustration.

In a way, I guess I should've seen this coming. After all, I wasn't completely safe. One way or another, somebody would've found out about the bet and informed Blaze the second they knew.

Whatever. At least Kiera gave me a week.

I would surely cherish this week.

"Noelle, Noelle, Noelle!" Nina cried, yanking me out of my momentary stupor. "Isaac is hitting me!"

I offered Isaac, my five year old cousin, a blank look. "Isaac, no." Sighing, I bent down and retrieved a few Christmas decorations from the box beside me and opted to hang a toy angel onto the tree. I took a small step back and admired the tree, relishing in its bright array of lights.

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