35 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @nkorenica for her encouraging votes and comments! they're very appreciated, so thank you a lot x

this is the chapter we've all been waiting for *hands you a tub of ice cream and a box of tissues* May God be with you all. also make sure you read the previous chapter before this, because you might not understand a few things.

Y O U  C O U L D  B E  H A P P Y,
A N D  I  W O N ' T  K N O W.
B U T  Y O U  W E R E N ' T  H A P P Y
T H E  D A Y  I  W A T C H E D  Y O U  G O.
A N D  A L L  T H E  T H I N G S  I  W I S H  I  H A D N ' T 
S A I D,  A R E  P L A Y E D  I N  L O O P S  ' T I L L 
I T ' S  M A D N E S S  I N  M Y  H E A D.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂


My mother nodded slowly, nursing her cup of tea in-between her hands. "Because you don't clean your room a lot," she explained.

I let go of a quiet scoff as I shook my head from side to side. Unbelievable. "So you resolve to get me a broom for Christmas," I muttered in conclusion, earning a self-satisfied nod. I sighed as I rose up from the ground and took a seat beside my mother, watching Nina tear through her Christmas presents with glee.

It was officially Christmas today, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of buoyancy course within me; even though today's my last day with Blaze.

Our house was relatively quieter, seeing as the rest of my family members have returned back to their homes. Fortunately, though, my grandpa and grandma (from my father's side) were taking a flight from Mexico to stay with us for a few weeks.

My father was awaiting their arrival at the Melbourne International Airport, and I all but declined when he asked me to accompany him.

I sighed as I peeked over at my phone, which was blowing up with unreturned calls and texts. I was never one to become a coward, but desperate times call for desperate measures. And, obviously, I was by all means desperate.

Both my parents weren't too keen on my sudden arrival yesterday, but surprisingly, they left it at that.

And I couldn't be more grateful.

I wasn't too keen on returning Winston's calls either, even though he had participated in my 'promiscuous actions'.

In an attempt to clear my mind, I sighed and rose up from the couch, heading to the kitchen. I poured myself a mug of coffee, and although I wasn't too fond of it now, I was, well, desperate. Bringing the cup to my mouth, I took various sips as I scrolled through my messages with my heart plummeting to the ground.

I turned off my read receipts off as I skimmed my messages, first going through Winston's and then Jade's. She was by far the most one who was furious. I guess Blaze told them. He has no right to, anyway. I hung my head down low in shame as I turned my phone off and gazed down at my steaming cup of coffee.

I couldn't bring myself into reading Blaze's texts, even though he only sent two. In the end, after an internal debate, I scrolled through my contacts until I reached his. Pray for me.

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