29 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @thyselves for being such a dedicated reader! your support truly means the world to me x

T H I S  I S  N O T
W H E R E  I  W A N T E D  T O  G O.
T H O U G H T  W E ' D  S E E  T H I S  T O G E T H E R.
T H O U G H  Y O U ' L L  T R A V E L 
A  D I F F E R E N T  R O A D,
Y O U ' L L  A L W A Y S  B E  M Y  F R I E N D.

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"Me too," Nina chimed in.

"I'm going to start a campaign named 'guys suck arse'. Who wants to join?" Jade mumbled through a mouthful of cookies.

I raised a hand. "I'm in."

"Me too," Nina said with a cheeky grin, nodding her head.

Jade clanked her glass against Nina's, and then threw her head back and took a large swig of her orange juice. Nina did the same, giggling in the procedure.

I sighed, tilting my head up to stare at the ceiling. "Why?" I cried, despair clouding my voice. I was on the verge of tearing my hair out. "I feel like I just got dumped. This sucks."

Jade uttered a gasp. "You soggy biscuit. When I complained about Jospeh dumping me, you literally smacked me," she brought up. Her eyes darted to Nina, who was happily munching on a cookie. "Fork you."

"Fork you too," I mumbled.

"Fork you!" Nina recited with a giggle

I fixed her with a withering look. "Nina, no."

"Papa, fork you!" Nina called toward the living room. I cringed and quickly clapped a hand over her mouth, shooting her an icy glare. She narrowed her eyes at me as I took my hand away from her mouth. "Fork you, Noelle."

I sighed, slumping down on the island. "I just...I feel so sad."

"Join the club, sister," Jade said as she reached forward and squeezed my shoulder.

I've been feeling so down for this past few days, standing beside my phone and waiting for a call or just something. Anything to draw me out of my misery. I attempted to speak to Langdon or Winston or Ahmed, but they were all ignoring my calls and texts.

It's been three days since I've spoken to Blaze, and to say I missed him would be a great understatement. Whenever I found myself thinking about him, I'd quietly chant 'I'm a strong, independent woman who don't need no man'.

It's not that I relied on Blaze.


It's just that I was so used to him in my life, and I couldn't even comprehend how I used to live before I met him. He genuinely was a source of my happiness, and I was honestly so close to crying when he ended things.

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