23 || falling into place ||

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a / n dedicated to @audacious_scribbler for being an extremely supportive reader! thank you so much for all your votes and comments. they really do encourage me to write x

Y O U  S A Y  I ' M  M E S S I N  W I T H  Y O U R  H E A D,
A L L  C A U S E  I  W A S  M A K I N G  O U T 
W I T H  Y O U R  F R I E N D.
L O V E  H U R T S  W H E T H E R 
I T ' S  R I G H T  O R  W R O N G,
I  C A N ' T  S T O P  C A U S E  I ' M  H A V I N G 
T O O  M U C H  F U N.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂

"YO, YO, YO."

A cheesy grin lined my lips. "Langdon!" I exclaimed. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, dick grabber," he sighed, his tone of voice laden with amusement.

While in the process of shuffling through my notes, I sent the mirror a flat look. "Very funny," I murmured, tapping my pen against my textbooks.

"So what's up?" he diverted the subject.

"Exams," I sighed in despair.

"Oh, yeah. They're around this time of the year, right? I completely forgot," he admitted.

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, and rolled my lips into my mouth. "Yup," I muttered. "God help me."

"I'm sure you'll pass them with flying colours," he encouraged cheerily.

"I doubt it, but one can dream, huh? Anyway, what's with the sudden call?" I wondered as I gazed down at my textbooks, distraught.

"Can't I call my friend without a reason to?" He shuffled around a little, before speaking up once again. "The whole squad is at Blaze's apartment."

"Squad," I repeated with furrowed brows. "Right."

"You should come too," he mentioned. "Invite your friends. The more the merrier."

A frown marred my face. "I don't know...I'll see if I can drop by." I doubt I can, anyway. Not with my exams coming up.

"I bet Blaze can convince you," Langdon responded, and I could almost feel him smirking.

I rolled my eyes in return, shaking my head at his antics. "I'll come, okay? I just need to revise for a while."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. See you soon."

"You too," I answered, before hanging up and hurling my phone onto my bed. I cradled my head with my hands as I frowned down at my papers. So little time, so much to do.

With a groan, I fell flat down on my bed and gazed up at the ceiling. God help me, please.

▂ ▂ ▂ ▂


I needed the distraction, anyway. Studying for a long period of time can do that to you.

The weather outside was a little chilly, hence why I settled on yanking on a plain black cardigan atop of my shirt. And while I was too busy twisting my hair into a bun, I hadn't taken notice of my father leaning against the doorframe, that is, until I whirled around. 

"Uh, Papa," I spoke, a little startled at his sudden arrival. I hadn't spoken to the either of my parents since yesterday.

"Where are you going?"

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