Chapter 5: A Plan Of Evil.

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While on D'Qar everything was as perfect as could be for the Rebels a certain evil was coming out of hiding...

A old and frail man was sitting in a chair saying: "See my old apprentice...see what has now happened to you and your plan...all destroyed by a mere boy...of course what goes around comes around. This time it was your apprentice that killed you. But I never really died." He was talking to no one, very odd.

The man had pale skin and blue eyes. He was very wrinkled and force sensitive. Not light side force, no, dark side. For he went by the name of Darth Plagous. More well known as Snoke.

This man had been in hiding on an unnamed and uncharted planet in the outer rim waiting for right time to strike. Now with Sidous, his old apprentice, gone he could... of course he would need an army. So he would wait until a new student would come around...of whom he would make the leader of the Knights Of Ren. A student who was force sensitive in both the light and the dark. One who knew his own potential as a Sith Lord. Like his grandfather before him...

"I'll have to wait a good 15 years...but oh is it worth the wait..." Snoke said with an evil tone.

Soon, he would have his army...

The old and frail man got up from his chair and watched as the sun set on his unknown planet. "Yes, yes, soon my plan will be completed...all I need now is the boy..." Snoke said with the grin that all Sith have at one point in their lives. The grin that means suffering for others and happiness for themselves. For it is greed that makes them the way they are.

Well, I thought this story needed some evil in it so here you go!

Yes I like it when things are going great and are just happy but that never happens in Star Wars. Plus, Snoke is an important part of The Force Awakens so he needed to be in this.

And I do love the evil part of Star Wars just as much as the light. 😉

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