Chapter 12: Seeing Ghosts?

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Leia woke up from her deep sleep the next day. Her belly growing bigger by the second. By now it had been about 5 months into her pregnancy. She didn't have a huge bump yet but it was...decent sized. Leia got dressed and went down stairs to where she found Han sitting on a chair staring into space. "Hey." Leia waved from behind him.

"Oh, hey..." Han didn't sound so enthusiastic.

"What's wrong?" Leia asked as she sat down on his lap.

"Huh? Oh, Nothin'." Han tried to pass it off as 'nothing'.

Leia raised a brow. "Nothin'? Han, I know you better then that. What's wrong? No lying."

"I'm just...thinking." Han replied.

"About what?" Leia laid her head on his shoulder gently.

"Stuff. Lots of stuff." Han said as he placed a hand on her belly and rubbed it slowly.

"Still think it's a boy?" Leia joked.

"Oh yeah, definitely." Han winked and held her closer.

"Well, if it's a girl I get to say I told you so then." Leia smirked and gave Han a kiss.

Han just laughed. Then all of a sudden, the baby kicked. Leia sat up and looked at Han in a instant.

"Did it just..." Leia couldn't finish her own sentence.

"Yep. Sure did." Han gave a crooked smile and then continued to hold Leia the way he had before.


Luke sat on a hill trying to get more insight on the vision he had with the boy and Snoke. Who was this boy? Was he important? Why did he worship Vader? Luke had so many questions. He figured the only way to answer them was to meditate. So that's what he did. For hours he meditated. Until, he finally got another vision...

A man was standing in front of a much older Snoke. He was being told something, 'the map is hidden in a BB unit, abroad the Millennium Falcon. In the hands of Han Solo, your--'
the vision cut out as if he was about to know to much. Then, a new one cut in, 'a young boy he was training turned on him...He's blamed himself ever since..." ' I was raised to do one thing. But I've got nothing to fight for.' 'The Force, it's calling to you, just let it in.' ... The visions flashed before Luke's eyes so fast he couldn't make out just who was saying them he could only remember that one...'a young boy he was training turned on him...he's blamed himself for it ever since...' Who was this boy that turned? And who trained him? And who was saying this? The new vision didn't make things clearer, it just gave Luke more questions. Pointless. Luke sighed and looked up into the sky hoping one of his Masters would shed some light on this. Then, almost like a miracle, a ghost appeared.
'Luke, you don't know me, I died much before you were born, but I knew your father. I even planned on training him...until my very...unplanned... death. But you must know, these visions you've had are important, as is the boy in them. You must train your sisters child well. Do not let him be deduced by the dark side. For he will have much of Vader in him I fear. Make this your duty as a Jedi knight.' The ghost disappeared. "Yes Master..." Luke nodded in trust.


Short chapter I know... Sorry about that. It's late here (pfft, I lie apparently, cause I WROTE THIS at 3:28 am but I didn't post it until 11:51 on Valentine's Day I am a liar...Sue me!)  but I wanted to get 3 chapters in today. Did you catch unto who was the ghost?

Hint: his name starts with a Q.

Got it?

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