Chapter 10: The Center Of All Scum And Villianly.

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Luke's X-Wing landed on the all too familiar sand planet. "Come on Artoo. Let's head to the Cantina."

The small blue and white R2 unit gave Luke a beep to let him know he hated Tatooine and all the sand on it.

"I know buddy. But hey, sands not that bad right?" Luke had grown up on Tatooine and never minded the sand to much.

Artoo beeped back a sarcastic tone and followed Luke into the cantina. When they walked in the bartender shouted "NO DROIDS ALLOWED!"

Luke sighed. He always had hated that rule. "Sorry Artoo, looks like you'll have to wait outside." Luke said walking him out. Then he went back in and sat down at the bar.

"Can I help you?" The creature behind the bar scowled.

"Only if you know where a Japor Snippent would have come from." Luke gave a quick glance around the room.

"Hmm...a Japor Snippent you say? I might know the place. Go to a small village a few miles north. They used to get Japor shipped in quite often." The creature helpfully told Luke.

"Thank you." Luke nodded and then went outside and got Artoo back. "Come on buddy, we're going north." Artoo followed Luke with a short beep.

When they finally reached the village Luke came across the first sight of life left: a old shop run by a old winged creature. Luke walked in, Artoo didn't seem to want to come with him for some reason.

"Can of assistance...?" The winged fellow asked.

"Yes. I hope you can. Did you ever get Japor shippings into here?" Luke asked as he examined the shop.

"Uh...yes. We did. Back when I still had some business going." The creature said with an annoyed face. Luke wasn't about to ask him about why he didn't still have business.

"Well I'm looking for some information on this charm. Any ideas?" Luke showed the old creature the wooden charm.

The creature recognized it right away. "Whaaa...where did you get that boy?"

"I found it on Courasant. And I was told to find out about it. Where it came from. That kind of stuff." Luke answered.

"I see." The creature saw Luke's lightsaber. "Jedi scum." He murmured under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Luke had picked up on what the creature said.

"I hate the Jedi. Always will. They ruined my business. Took my hardest working slave from me. All just because he had the force in him."

Luke starred the creature down. "Well sorry bout that. I'm sure they had a good reason. Besides, slaves aren't right. People should be free, not forced to work."

"Mmm...perhaps...he was a rather...annoying child." The creature said.

"I don't believe I've properly introduced myself. I'm Luke."

"Watto's the name. You look familiar to me boy. Have we met?" Watto asked.

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure I'd remember a face like yours..." Luke said, Han's sarcasm was rubbing off on him.

"Hmm...yes well...anyway all I can tell you on this charm of yours is that the kid who made it was an annoying little brat." Watto spat. The tension between them rising with every word.

Luke rolled his eyes at the creature. He got on every one of Luke's nerves. "Thanks for your help. Your so kind." Luke said the last word with a tone to make sure Watto knew he was being sarcastic.

"Well if you don't plan on buying anything: get out of my shop boy."

"Fine by me. You give me the creeps. I'm sure whatever the reason some Jedi took a child-slave from you was because slaves aren't right." Luke told the disgusting creature and walked away with Artoo by his side.

"Bantha fodder" Watto said loudly as Luke and Artoo left.

They reached the X-Wing and Luke tried to connect with Master Kenobi once again using the force. 'Don't let Watto get under your skin Luke. He's to old to do any harm. You did well on your mission. Since that winged scum did no help to you at all I'll tell you the rest. The charm belonged to your mother. Your father made it for her a long long time ago. Only the Force knows why it's in your hands right now, Luke. Go, head back to your friends on D'Qar. You did well young one.' Obi-Wan's voice came to an end. Luke thought for a moment, took in the information he just learned, nodded, started up the X-Wing and took off for D'Qar.


Ok, this may seem like a meaningless chapter but I promise it's not.

I hope you liked the tension between Luke and Watto!

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