Chapter 21: Left For Dead.

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*Time line has skipped 3 years, Ben Solo is 8, Poe Dameron is 14*

Sand covered the ground, sand as far as the eye could see. Far off in the distance, men stood; one grabbing the arm of a young girl. He - the man - shoved the girl onto her knees and pushed over her to a creature of some sort. The girl was in tears as she looked up into the sky and saw a ship take off in the distance. They left. As the men walked away with their backs turned the girl cried for her family, deep down inside she knew...they were never coming back. The creature dragged her off towards town, they reached the junk heap that somehow classified as a town. Niima Outpost, the most uncivilized town of the entire planet. The creature that had been given the young girl reached the trade center and stepped inside the booth just as a trader came up.

The trader put his savaged parts out on the counter for the creature to look at.

"Hmm... Two quarter portion." The creature spat out and collected the parts, then gave the trader his food for the day.

"Two quarter?! I don't understand, these were worth a whole portion last week!" The trader exclaimed.

"Last week was last week. Prices have gone up. I can make it less, if you wish." The creature shoved the portion towards him.

"No thank you. Have the day you deserve Unkar Plutt." The trader thought instead of 'have a nice day' he'd say 'have the day you deserve', let karma sort that crap out.

Plutt grumbled something under his breath then started to deal with the girl. "Hmm, what can I do with you? I have no use for a child. Maybe slave will work."

"Save your plans. My family's coming back for me." The little girl said, in tears.

"And what makes you so sure little missy?" Unkar Plutt snapped to the child.

"I just...Have a feeling..." The girl said as she calmed her tears.

Plutt didn't know what to say. He didn't like children. Or people in general. But this girl was of no use at all to him. He didn't wish to keep her. Plutt was a heartless beast, as always, and let her go to fend for herself. A little girl, not much older then 4, in the wild, on Jakku. Real nice guy.

"I know your coming back... You have to come back..." The girl said as the sun came down on the sand forsaken planet. She curled up in a broken down AT-AT and went to sleep.

The next day when she woke, her curiosity got the best of her and she searched the broken down battle weapon for anything it had in it. One thing she did find was a paper, on it were the Jakku letters for 'Captain Dosmit Raeh' it was some sort of letter but those words were the only ones the young girl could make out. The letter was interesting to the young girl, she kept it safe so she could try and read it when she knew how.


"Keep trying, you'll get it one day." Luke said as he half smiled at Ben, who was holding his lightsaber while blind folded.

"I doubt it. I'll never be as good as you." Ben took off the blind fold.

"Don't say that, it just takes time that's all." Luke let out a sigh.

"Yeah... but you got a hang of your training right off the bat..." Ben rolled his eyes.

"Not right off the bat."

"Close enough..."

"It did take time. Maybe not as much time as you'll take, but I took time..."

"From what my mom says, you learned your Jedi skills quick."

"Well your mother is full of it. It took more time then I had." Luke instantly regretted saying that.

"What do you mean 'more time then you had'?"

"Uh, I, uh," Luke was at a loss for words. "I had a important...meeting to get to with...a friend..."

"I don't buy that. But whatever you say Uncle Luke."

Luke nodded, then they got back to work on training.


I know it's not long...but I promise you a longer chapter will be out by Monday! You may have noticed, I have now brought in almost all the new characters! Almost. Can you guess who hasn't come in yet?

Hint: he's a TRAITOR!



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