...Le Authors Note..

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Hi. It's me. I'm alive.

To make this worth your time, I've made the important parts in bold and underline, so you know the point of this.

I'M AN EVIL LITTLE TWERP! So, as I believe I've said before, I get done with school on June 10th, I'm almost done, I have 3 days left. All I have left to do is Math (kill me now please), but I SUCK AT MATH! No joke, I really do.... so I've been a little swamped and haven't updated because I've been finishing up school.  And I really do feel bad about this.

Here's the thing:

I write on a school laptop and we're getting new ones this year (whoo!), so I have to send these back for about a month. *sigh* You know what that means... no? Okay, it means I won't have a computer to write on for about a month. Now you get it? I can still write cause I have my own computer, but its slow. So if I don't update a ton, I apologize. Also, I'm going to camp for a week this month (I leave June 27th and get back July 1st), so that's a week I won't be updating anyways. But its gonna be fun. Maybe for me that is...

THE POINT FOR THIS AUTHORS NOTE IS, I'm going to be active this summer on Wattpad, but there's a week that nothing is happening (camp). And I'll probably have slower updates for about a month. I'm so sorry! Buuuuuuuuuttttttt! I'm updating this book ON JUNE 10TH IN HONOR OF SUMMER VACATION! 


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